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Right now I am at home watching tv. Back in high school, it was depressing to sit at home watching tv on a Saturday night but right now, this is the best feeling I have felt all week. Yesterday was the first time that I cried in a while. I guess I had been holding everything in and accepting it and trying not to let it bother me but I guess it just all hit me at once. I currently have an A in only 2 out of my 5 classes. I have not passed any of my Geography or Biology test. It just makes me feel so stupid. I only see my boyfriend a couple of times a week and I barely eat with friends in the cafeteria, I don't go to any event on campus and this semester I am not doing community service. I dedicate ALL of my time to studying just to get Ds and Fs on the exams. I feel like school is the only thing I am good at so when I fail at that, I feel like I fail at everything and it makes it harder for me to see anything good about myself. On Friday I talked to my Geography teacher and my advisor. My Geography teacher agreed to work with me and assured me that it is not too late for me to get an A since Exams are only 25% of my final grade but there is still pressure since my highest grade on exams this far was a C. My advisor reminded me that college is about learning, not about keeping a 4.0. I decided in my blog about acceptance that I would not let a 4.0 GPA define my happiness but there is so much pressure. I just got accepted to the new honors program and I have to keep a 3.3. I do not see myself going below that this semester but there is still pressure to keep my gpa up for my resume and just in case I dont do well in my 300 level classes next semester. Midterms are in about 2 more weeks so I have been very stressed lately. I just hope you all will continue to pray for me. I will continue to try my best


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You asked me to pray for you and I did .. I asked the Lord to show you the beauty we all see in you and that you would not allow your esteem to all rest on some sytem of grading but rather on all your achievements and livin up to your potential. You get an A+ from me for even aspiring to do a fraction of what you do. Hugs Karen

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your school adviser is RIGHT! school is about learning...not about a grade number. also, no one in my years in the workforce..ever asked me for my GPA.....and i have held some very responsible jobs...... you are putting pressure on yourself....there is nothing wrong with getting Bs or even a C if it is a difficult subject. do your best....learn all you can....if you continue to beat yourself up over grades you are going to continue to be disappointed and unhappy. kathy

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Hi Katrina,


Your blog is definitely one that I want to keep reading. I'm fairly new and that's the only reason I haven't read more than I have yet, but I need to tell you that the very first time I read one of your entries, I thought "Wow." Probably the best gift that you could ever give yourself would be to see, really see, yourself as you truly are--you are a remarkable young woman. Karen and Kathy know you, and they've affirmed what I picked up about you right away.


I'll add my agreement to what Kathy said about GPA's. No prospective employer ever asked for my GPA, either. I look back on my college days mostly fondly. College isn't there to stress you out, dear one. You're learning,you're growing,you're interacting--and you're doing so much that other people just wouldn't try! You ended by promising to continue to do your best--good, from the sounds of it any less than that isn't like you, anyway. What's most important is maybe what you end up taking away from all of this, and (speaking in particular about the subjects that don't come naturally to you) you'll take away just as much with a C as you will with an A.


I'll pray for you, too. And will be looking forward to reading any new blog entries. I hope you enjoy your day and by all means


Enjoy yourself. There's obviously a lot of beauty and strength in you to enjoy!



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Your advisor is right dear, the grade does not matter the learning does. I've never been asked my GPA either over the years.


What is important is passing the class so B's and C's are ok. I can empathize with you as I was initially the same way when I first started my college classes.


Prayers to you sweetie for better days ahead.

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hey Katrina:


perfect GPA does not matter to employer. so please don't put too muxh pressure on yourself. do your best in studies & let God take care of rest. enjoy each & every day cause this time is going to go away too.


you are in my constant thougts and prayers



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hi katrina, bless your heart, you can only do the best you can. quit putting so much pressure on yourself. you do 10 times more than most of the students there do now. just study hard and do the best you can. no one can ask you for more than that. i am sure you will come through it all like you usually do with flying colors. i know all of us here are very proud of you for what you have achieved thus far. maybe you need a nite out with your boyfriend to have some fun for a change. college is for having some fun too, i think. i have you in my thoughts and prayers. i know you will be ok. keep us updated on how you are doing.

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Are you trying to carry too many credits a semester? Maybe an extra year of school, would be better, taking less credits per semester, which would give you less classes, more study time. Also eating breakfast is REALLY important.. eating breakfast, some protein, good carbs actually helps you brain to function better and learn and retain.


Carrying some enegy bars or some cheese in your back pack to munch between classes. Keeping your brain and body fed with good, high protein, low or good carbs, will help with energy and thinking.


If you have to have so many credits per semester, maybe you can work with the school counselor, so you do not have all "hard classes" at the same time. Also have you found the best way for you to learn and retain.. Some people learn by reading.. some by reading and making pertinent notes in a notebook.. writing it down helps. So people learn by doing.. or hands on.. so if you can find a "study partner read a chapter, and then have someone ask you questions...


Finding. the right way for you to retain the information.. take breaks, between subjects when studying.. also remember to keep water bottle with you and stay hydrated.


If you have roommates who play music or are a distraction, you may want to use some earplugs, or find a quiet place or the library to study.


Make sure you have studying done.. beore the exaams.. trying to stay up and cram the night before. is not good.. you r in panic mode, and then probably not sleeping. So a good nights rest and just reading hi-lighted pertinent notes.


I went back to school in my 40's.... after 20+ yrs of not being in school. I found finding the right studing method was key.



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Are you trying to carry too many credits a semester? Maybe an extra year of school, would be better, taking less credits per semester, which would give you less classes, more study time. Also eating breakfast is REALLY important.. eating breakfast, some protein, good carbs actually helps you brain to function better and learn and retain.


Carrying some enegy bars or some cheese in your back pack to munch between classes. Keeping your brain and body fed with good, high protein, low or good carbs, will help with energy and thinking.


If you have to have so many credits per semester, maybe you can work with the school counselor, so you do not have all "hard classes" at the same time. Also have you found the best way for you to learn and retain.. Some people learn by reading.. some by reading and making pertinent notes in a notebook.. writing it down helps. So people learn by doing.. or hands on.. so if you can find a "study partner read a chapter, and then have someone ask you questions...


Finding. the right way for you to retain the information.. take breaks, between subjects when studying.. also remember to keep water bottle with you and stay hydrated.


If you have roommates who play music or are a distraction, you may want to use some earplugs, or find a quiet place or the library to study.


Make sure you have studying done.. beore the exaams.. trying to stay up and cram the night before. is not good.. you r in panic mode, and then probably not sleeping. So a good nights rest and just reading hi-lighted pertinent notes.


I went back to school in my 40's.... after 20+ yrs of not being in school. I found finding the right studing method was key.



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