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Do I Watch Or DO I jump on?



OK: I've been at the train depot all day..... Finally, I asked myself that big question:


"It doesn't matter where the train is going, What matters is deciding to get on."


Do I just want to look at life as it is going by OR Do I want to get back on that merry-go-round and join in...


I truly have to ponder that thought for a bit. Things have just been very tough lately. I try really hard never to compare myself with others. Can't .... Strokes differ for everyone. I am an individual person, I have my own thoughts, opinions, likes and dislikes, etc. The common thread that holds together for this group is the fact we have all experienced the Beast. STROKE

Don't get me wrong, I truly care about everyone here. We are all on a journey. Each day is truly our decision. Do we wanna play or not?

I wanna take part in this game of Life, I really do. At times, I just don't feel I have the right piece to play in this game, you know how everyone gets a piece of the game to use as their lil thing to move around the board of whatever game you are playing together. Well, this isn't a game I am playing, this is a game of Survival. I've already played "Survivor" Joined that game without even sending in an application to be on the show. Reality Shows.....

Yes, I guess by now you can gather the tone of this entry, I have been going through a lot right now. A lot of different feelings..... I long to be the "Ole Jan"..... I truly do. There are things my Hubby wants, big ticket items, a Big screen tv, his tv is on it's last leg ..... I don't want him not to get it, however, these sorts of things I feel one needs to start saving up for. I know he deserves it. His only enjoyment it seems is #1, Harley, #2, smoking his cigs, #3, watching his tv. I just get a lil nervous cuz of what is in our bank account. You remember the words your Mom would always say: You need to save up for a rainy day. Well, they ring so loud for us, as of 2003. I feel we never know what is coming around the bend. I want him to get his television, he deserves it. I feel like such a bad wife. I do.


Well, I thought after all the above stuff, what could I do to pitch in and help out more.

OH, our washing machine did die. So, Wayne has to go out and get another one. SEE, the rainy day stuff my Mom warned me about, there it is, gotta be prepared. Good thing I was a Girl Scout.

Anyway, I wanted to get a shower. Wayne and I didn't have such a good day on Saturday. So, I said to myself:

Jan: There's Nothing To It BUT TO Do It..... So I got myself into the shower and I got a shower. I was so amazed. I prayed the whole time, cuz I truly didn't want to fall and have to call 911 and let them see me in my Birthday Suit.

Only problem with this trying to do more was: I can't dry myself totally off cuz I can't bend in those ways to reach all of them nor can I get my britches and shoes and socks on. BUT, I did get myself in and out of the shower. So, there was a lil growth. But, I had to humble myself and ask him if he would be able to help me and I even apologized and told him how much I appreciate all he does and has done for me. I have always been the type of person who says they are sorry and even "YES, I was wrong." And that is no BS, that is truthful from my heart. I know how hard this has been for me, My goodness, look at him? I feel so bad for him. I feel as though I have ruined his life. He doesn't deserve all of this. His golden years.

Anyway, I don't know about all of you, but when I get into this type of "space" that I found myself in.. I like to listen to music. This one song came on and it hit home to me BIG TIME. I wanted to share the words with you and give you the take I got on them when I listened to them.

Just bear with me on these, I bet a lot of you think: Heck NO. but, plse read the words and my take on them. OK?If you want to share your take, plse feel free to do that, maybe they would be words of wisdom for me.



Lyrics to Not Ready To Make Nice



Forgive, sounds good

Forget, I


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Reading this has made me cry. It's good to cry. Just wish I could give you a huge HUG at the same time! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope you can feel even a little of the comfort included in those hugs, they're sent your way through prayer so I bet you can.


I'm going to be rereading this entry a few times, there's so much there. I couldn't possibly improve upon your "take" of those lyrics. They're from your heart. The heart's a powerful creation, and you have a huge one.


I'm sure I'll be back to add some more thoughts later after I've had a chance to absorb more of what you said, but I didn't want to wait that long to tell you that you're loved bunches and bunches just the way you are! Yep, this community is your family and its precisely because of people like you that I feel so very blessed to be a part of it!


Here, take a couple more. :hug: :hug:





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Beautiful lyrics. (((hugs))) to you sweet lady. I'm so proud of you for doing the shower on your own. It may have taken you 5 years to get to that point, but you DID it. All in HIS time as we well know.


Wayne may want brand new spanking tv, top of the line; but I'm sure he knows deep in his heart that no material things really matter in this world. I pray that things start going better for both of you.

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Hi Jan!


someone beat me to it up above when they said somethin about the size of you heart!


Sorry Lady. . . you had the strength to very kindly, and gently push me beyond my comfort zone into an area i have never been before (the world of blawg!) trust me, for me, that was a leap. you like songs. . . listen to a line from a tune called "Power of Love" done by The Outfield:


--- "Sometimes i am frightened

-----------------but i'm ready to learn

--------------------------of the power of love"


i felt that a few short days ago. and ALL of you folks showed me how to make those first few baby steps. just like an infant becomes a toddler. and you have the nerve to feel as though you need to apologize for yourself? for my part, lady, I AINT GONNA LET YA DO IT. I MEAN IT!!!


i sincerely hope not, but you might hate me when i am done with this reply. listen, you pushed me and now i have grown. NOW IT'S MY TURN. in advance, i am sorry, when i get worked up emotionally sometimes i am not very delicate or pleasant. please know that i TRULY care about you! ok, there's the warning. . . now for the attempt to push you beyond your comfort zone. (i mean, one good turn deserves another. . . right?)


To start; some more lyrics from a song called, "MOUNTAIN OF GOD" by a very good Christian rock band called Third Day:


--Even though the journey's long

----and I know the road is hard

--you're the one who's gone before me

----you will help me carry on

--Now after all that I've been through

----now i realize the Truth




Jan, don't you dare apologize on behalf of Mr. Troke. YOU ARE N...O...T TO BLAME.

you say it's too late to make it right. Sorry, there is no need to make it right. it is right exactly the way it is right now. it is exactly the way it is 'sposed to be.


From where i sit (judging by what you have done for me and for others here), and i certainly do realize i am not walkin in your shoes, it would seem to me that GOD decided your energy was needed somewhere and he found the place where he could use it (know what i mean?). Please. . . don't question it. Please. . . don't apologize for it. And Please. . . remember ALL things, in the end, turn out to be for HIS glory. . .not ours.


Also remember, GOD has his deal with Wayne. . . totally and seperately from you. They gotta come to terms with each other somehow too. And the big "G" is also in charge of that one too. . . not you or me.


I love you as my friend. you matter to a lot of us here. Please don't forget that.





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Well said Brian. Jan I wish to offer my shoulder, if you wish to talk, vent, or whine, Ill bring the cheese. If you need to talk to someone, I would be honored to help. Take care



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hey Jan:


I am really sorry you are ging through rough patch right now. but just keep your head above water right now & be sure that tide will turn. life is tough sometimes but with faith on God, you will get thrugh this period too. I am sending you ton of virtual hugs & you are in my constant prayers.




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Jan, thanks for opening and sharing your heart. It's not been easy for you recently and hopefully, the start of this new week will bring happier and calmer days. I am sooooo proud of your accomplishment in getting into the shower....not only can you do it, you are doing it!



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Hey Jan!


Got an apology to make. in my first reply (above) i quoted a line out of a song i stated was done by "The Outfield"




the song was actually done by the band, "AIR SUPPLY"


you can check out both the songs i cited on youtube if you feel like it.


any way,


catch ya later.



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