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Sorry; I'm much too Tired

Wesley H.


Good evening friends. There's not going to be much here tonight. After spending the entire day up on Palomar Mountain just to get glimpse of Lance Armstrong on one of the hardest climbs in Southern California, I am exhausted. But what a great day! I have waited over 6 years to see a professional peloton of elite world class bike riders in a stage race. It was beyond my expectations. I'll provide more details tomorrow, but right now I just want to sleep.


Good Night


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Hey Wes!


i got one word (not really, you know me, me trying to say just one word is like someone saying they can eat just one Dorito! Sorry, that just aint gonna happen!)


the word that comes to mind though is: C.....O.....O.....L!!!


sounds like real livin, man.


live on.



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Wes, I am so happy you Believed In Miracles And You SOARED. Your six year dream came true. How awesome is that? I am so happy you had such an awesome day. You may be tired, but it is a good tired. Gosh, I can just feel your enthusiasm. Can't wait to hear all about it and see the pics. You know, I have made wishes come true with my MDA and Cancer Ministry, you want me to try to get Lance do something for you? Can't promise, but I could try, see if the ole girl still has it in her? Just let me know, and I will try. What size t-shirt do you wear? What kind of things would you like? Get good rest and have a wonderful day at work. WOW, I bet you will get right thru that door today. You are all energized. God Bless and I am so happy my prayers were answered for you for your special outing. God is so good.

Take care my friend, Hugs, Jan


Believe In Miracles And SOAR :bicycle: :scooter: :groupwave: :congrats: :console:

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I am waiting to see photo's too. I could tell you were tired when I talked with you last night but was so glad it was the kind of tired you feel when you have had a wonderful day! I'm sure you had a great nights sleep too! I am so glad you got to fulfill another dream! :cloud9:

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