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on n on it goes



rachel called last night. she is in the hospital. she was having a lot of back pain and contractions. they docs think she has a uti. she sounded a little scared on the phone. this little baby is a bugger. she want to come early and we're not ready for her. not yet. she's only 35 weeks along so it is too early. they will do an ultrasound of her kidneys today sometime and then we'll have more information.

\in the meantime, i 'm still working out what's the matter with me. i just can't seem to get going in the morning. all i want to do is sleep or stay in bed. and i'm so anxious much of the time. as soon as i start even thinking of going out somewhere i get butterflies in my stomach. i feel like I'm going backwards again. and i'm not sure why. tomorrow i see Stephanie so maybe she can help me figure out what's going on;. i LOVE LOVE LOVE being in my bed with the tv on.


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I hear you gal. Do you think it could be the winter weather getting to us? It's so nice and cozy in bed.


I pray all will go ok with Rachel and the baby.

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thanks donna, i don't know what to think about the winter weather. its been quite sunny here and warmish. but thanks for the rationalization. i think i'm still depressed. rachel just called and they did and ultrasound and found nothing wrong with the baby or her kidneys so they are stopping the meds to stop the contractions and "if the baby wants to come, then let her come" to quote the doc. rachel seems fine and relaxed at this point. this is her last week to work. she only had 4 more days for work before she was rquired to leave for maternity leave. so i guess she gets out a little early.

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hey cathy:


you have to follow routine however tempting your bed must feel, get out of bed, do exercise, go out for a stroll. you can't let your depression win the situation. I am glad baby is alright & Rachel is doing fine. tel baby to hold off few more weeks & then she will be out in the real world.




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