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still telco troubles



Here I am, sitting at a friend's computer ( even older than mine!) writing this blog to let you know my computer is fine, Ray and I are fine but my phone line needs digging up and starting all over again. I managed to do 20 mins on a friends computer last week so was able to let Donna know I am out of action. I may be at chat this week, but it seems unlikely at this time. I'm so unhappy about all of this especially living without being able to contact all my dear friends and companions here. Whenever I ring up to ask when it will all be fixed the answer is: " we are working our way down the list". It seems during one of the storms a fortnight ago part of the network blew up and now they are re routing calls but the ADSL is a different matter. Always an excuse eh?


The past week or so has been busy as usual. There is always plenty to do at our house. I can de-cobweb, de-clutter, de - whatever until the cows come home and there would still be a lot to do. The dust bunnies are forming warrens under all the furniture and I think starting their own sports channel soon! Unfortunately they won't form work gangs and share the load! The Autumn Fair at church is a fortnight away so I am increasing my output and there are piles of ribbon, lace and beads, beads, beads everywhere. And still I find time to be lonely.


Ray had his three days at Camp Breakaway this past week. I spent a day catching up on little tasks, a day with my sister and a day doing some gardening. We had a lot of rain a fortnight ago and I have weeds taller than hollyhocks! So I've started doing a little at a time to get it back under control again. As the temps start to drop I should be able to spend more time in the garden. I will shift Ray's comfy chair out the back and he can do his puzzles as I work.


The day with my sister was good, her husband was out at a meeting so she took me out to dinner and we had some lovely seafood. It is a real treat for me to eat out without Ray I can just sit and relax and enjoy what is happening around me for a change. It was strange sleeping in a tiny sinlge bed she uses for her grandchildren when they sleep over but I managed a night's sleep and that is what counts. Mind you I was glad to get back to my own bed again.


Trev said he wasn't going to do much this week. He is looking for work and did some of that but with more places closing or downsizing as the economic climate cools I don't know how long it will take him to find a job. With his usual confidence he was sure it wouldn't take long but we all know how difficult it is once the word "recession" is spoken out loud. Our businesses have been overstretched for a while and now confidence just seems to be sliding. I guess it is a world wide problem and there will be a lot of rethinking before a solution is found. In the meantime he can always do some of the jobs that need doing at home ( how's that for wishful thinking?).


I have some plans in place for a break in April when Ray will have two weeks of respite. I've also booked our Queensland flights for July, spending is supposed to be good for the economy so give me a medal eh? Ray can travel better in the cooler weather. Of course I am not really sure he wants to, he is getting to the stage where just staying home and going through his usual routine is challenging enough for him. The Camp Breakaway breaks are good and he seems to be okay with going into respite when I need a break but when I suggest holiday destinations and outings he doesn't seem keen now.


So think of me with the cobweb broom in one hand and the birch broom in the other gaining on the dust bunnies and making the spider population homeless. Imagine me in the jungle up the back listening to the rustle in the grass and wondering how you tell a snake from all the harmless sun lizards that frolic in the sun up there. Seems as if there is always something to do, even if coming onto Strokenet is not an option.


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Thank God we still have a sense of humor and can go on with our lives no matter how hard it gets sometimes.


They say a woman's work is never done, I'll bet you say that's true in and around your house!

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Thanks for the update Sue!


I have been patiently waiting for you to be back on line. Could you tell TELCO to hurry up. please??? Patience has has never been my virtue...




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thanks for letting us know we were wondering where were you. technology is great when everything works, though it sucks big time when it stops working.




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Great to hear frrom you, I have missed you on Tuesdays chat. Hope that you get your lines back up and running.

Don't worry so much about the dust bunnies as I found out they do not attack and are quite harmless. :lol:

As for the garden watch out for sticks that move and have a rake with you so that you can push out the sticks that move near you. :stab:

Take care hope to see you soon on Tuesdays Glad to hear that Ray is doing well also Sally

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TELCO needs to understand YOU are a VIP here and we NEED you. I hope with this downtime you're experiencing they are giving you a break in your bill for being out of commission.


Now, if the dust bunnies and the spiders start talking to you and you back to them LOL don't be surprised if some very nice men in white coats pay you a visit and want to take you on a trip to the funny farm. Of course, if they have reliable internet you may go willingly :lol: .


Hang in there dear, give Ray a hug from all of us. Good luck to Trev in his job searching.

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