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Wesley H.


Good Afternoon Friends, Family, and Fans;


Today marks another lesson in not giving up on your dreams. When it seems that our dreams are all we have left; nothing feels better than a taste of realization. I woke up this morning and remembered it was the end of the month. Since it was also Saturday I knew the pool guy was due to come today to do the pool maintenance and it was his pay day. I slipped out of bed and too a peek out the window and saw that he was already on the job. So I went and got the checkbook and pulled on a pair of jeans while Deb made out the check. I took the check and slid open the sliding glass door and stepped onto the back porch. I said


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Did I tell you you're a rockstar? I love seeing people make their dreams come true and I guarantee you went further and faster than I could have! You look really cute in the biking getup, by the way... must be those smooooooth legs.


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FANTASTIC! I took a look at the photo's and you look GREAT! I could tell by the look on your face, you were in your element! Incidentally, your blog was super but I found it a bit humorous too! I can just see you lathering up those legs for a clean shine! [LOL] The full dress for your bike ride was a good choice too, made you know you had really come a long way since the last weekend in August. I am so thankful that you have progressed the way you have. Another wonderful thing about what you did today is the fact that you did NOT miss your target date that much either. At least it was in your target month!


Looking at the sunny day you were enjoying in San Diego found me a bit envious though, since it was a dreary winter day here. Rain, turning to freezing rain, to sleet and then snow and rain together before it turned to all snow. It is still snowing just a little and they are saying we may get an inch or so of the white stuff. Funny thing is, the daffodils and jonquils etc. just kept right on blooming! Interesting day!

Have a great day tomorrow!

Love You




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:Cheers: :Clap-Hands: :congrats: Wes, Great Job my friend. I am so proud of you and your honesty with your feelings. You do have "sexy legs"..... Your achievements help you to continue forward. I bet even your neighbors have learned a great deal on how you are taking your journey. We never know who and what people are thinking. Isn't our journey an awsome thing to experience? Keep up the good fight, you are a Warrior with a capital W

Looking forwad to your next post. The pics are wonderful, thank you for adding them .... Makes me feel as if I was right there. U Got to give Deb some equal space, we need to see her pics.

Take care Wes, My prayers are being answered. What is your next big Adventure? God Bless, Hugs, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR

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WhooHoo for you! You were definitely back in your element. Without our dreams and goals, we'd all be lumps on the sofa.

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Great for You Big Brother.......I'll bet the neighbors had to wear their sunglasses to block the light from your smile. I love you.

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