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Still Here

Aussie Ken


Hi everybody, i didn't realize that it's been awhile since i last blogged.


well my hydrotherapy has been going great, i feel so free when i'm in the water as i do most of the exercise programme with little suppervision. my biggest problem is hyper extending my affected leg, i need to relax more. The heat here in Australia has been shocking and energy zapping.

With my 5 years fast approaching frustration and keeping my mind active has been a great challenge, i also have made great inroads in tracing my family tree, i just wish my parents and grandparents were still around so i could fined out more. But at least i'm now in contact with some aussie cousins plus i'm also in contact with some Engish relations related to my grandfather.


so have a good week everybody




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I am happy you came back & updated us about your life. good to know your hydrotherapy in full force. tracing family tree sounds like big job & fun project.




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Congrats on the success of your hydrotherapy. Glad to hear it's going so well for you. My one cousin is into the family tree tracing. She has even compiled a book for us. Best of luck to you - hope you find everyone.

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