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black cloud again



hello everyone, its been awhile since i blogged. it seems more bad things seem to find their way to me, since my last blog, i have been worried about my dad's health. hes had a total knee replacement, which he came through just fine. then pneumonia because of the stupid nursing home and dr he had didn't watch him close enough. hes been in the hospital now for over a month, hopefully to go home soon. my brother thank god has been taking care of things for him. while hes been working, laid off and now employed again thank goodness with a good company he started out with but he will need to be in houston alot, not so close to dad now. dad needs to be able to take care of himself when he goes home. my sister is 8hours away from him which is better than i am. my oldest son was injured in a head on collision, coming home from work 1 night, hit by an elderly man after having a seizure with a car full of people. luckily baby jake and girlfriend were at home and not with my son. my son received a bad concussion, 2 bad disks in his back, his bottom teeth went through his lip, steering wheel was bent in two from the impact and my son hitting it. his stereo went through his back window, he went to hosp and they sent him home to recover saying he could return to work on monday. the accident happened on friday the 13th. i told my son no way back to work so soon. he works with wood working machines building cabinets. he's been dizzy since the accident and has headaches, so he took a few days off, hes a supervisor anyway. hes had to go back way to soon because they need money coming in, his gf only works 20 hrs a week to keep the insurance going, plus she needs to care for jake too. i am worried about him now we are having financial problems ourselves, my hubby owns his own business and the work just aint coming in these days. economy sucks for everyone i know. my devoted and old aged dog is sick and at the vets and may not make it. hes 14 years old now but is my buddy and i need him here with me , he's my therapy dog. i am mad,sad, and depressed all at once, plus i have an abscessed tooth and my dentist is out of town until tuesday. the pain is driving me bonkers. one more thing will send me over the edge i think. at least matt is doing well with school, i am so happy for that. i just want my life to be trouble free for awhile. yes i am blessed my dad is better and marc is lucky to be alive. now i think i am really constipated GREAT,LOL i just need a stick of dynamite to blow all the bad things away from me, and to help my constipation. i want my sanity back and trouble free bowels. i have been praying my heart out. life sucks at times, we all have had our share of troubles, but i have this stupid black cloud over me and my family, i hate it. when will it go sway? so please pray for me and my dog stimpy. we need the help. thanks for reading my cheerful blog,LOL hugs to all, kimmie


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You certainly continue to have more than your fair share of woes. I hope this new week is better for you. You are in my thoughts, friend.



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I'm so sorry that all of that's been going on with you and your family, but very thankful that your son is doing as well as he is. I can definitely relate to your feelings for Stimpy and pray he pulls through this latest.


Praying for your Dad, for Tuesday to come quickly for your tooth, and praying a little dynamite your way.


Stay strong!



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:friends: Dear Kimmie: Do you know how much I love you and treasure our friendship? Well, you should know. I know things have been tough for you and I know that black cloud will travel elsewhere.... God is carrying you in his loving arms, I sometimes feel the same way, when is that damn cloud going to leave me and it is in those moments I know my journey has many twists and turns, I'm on a journey. I don't know if it is because it is teaching me things that I am to share with others. As far as your "bathroom" crisis, you can use my Bidet .... it will clean you right on out. Seriously, I kid you not. Best invention since sliced bread. :) I am sending you my special Guardian Angel, She will take good care of you. :Angel: Our special Amigo team will take good care of you. We will love you and lift you up. The greatest thing about our friendship is the fact that we love one another when we can't do it for ourselves because our burdens get us so down at times. :chat: I know exactly how you feel about your lil buddy, he is such a part of you. My Harley is the same way to me. I wish we lived closer to one another, I'd be there in a heart beat. I am so happy our prayers are being answered regarding your Dad and Son. I think blogging it and getting it out and down on "paper" is a good healing process for you. I am here for you 24/7 and I hope you know that. Know, seriously, if you feel you are going to fall off that ledge, there are a lot of people who will be there to catch you. Let us help you carry your load ok? Hope you feel better today. I hope your absess gets better. Hey, here is a sure fire way to take care of that since the Dentist isn't in until Tuesday, get a string, a bottle of Jack Daniels, and a door knob and wham, the problem is solved. Let me know if that took care of that situation. :)

Seriously, I pray you feel better. God Bless, Love n Hugs, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR

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Big hugs for you. I'll pray extra hard for Stimpy.. I know what a pet can mean!!


My sister in law is dealing with constipation and she swears by flax seed.(if you can take this??) She gets it in powder form from the health food store, she says to add it to anything warm you are cooking, stew, soup etc. about 1 tbsp. She said by the next morning, she was smiling with relief.


You don't have a black cloud over your head.... yup life certainly seems to pile up sometimes, but your grandson, your son, and your dad are all doing much better right?? Now we just need to get you unstopped up and get stimpy better... Today is going to be much better for you and stimpy.


Hugs Anne


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Hi Kimmers,


There are days when we do feel like "ziggy" with his little black cloud just following us everywhere we go. God does not give us what we cannot handle. When at times he tests the waters, he has made sure there are friends to turn to to help us through the rough patches as well as to celebrate the good things that occur.


The Power of Prayers is wondrous as we all know and has helped your Dad, Marc, and baby Jake. Prayers are also with you and all that you are experiencing and your buddy Stimpy. As he is 14 years old, his time may be drawing to a close here on earth with you. He will always be with you though in your heart and watching over you from the Rainbow Bridge. Perhaps he and my beloved Angel will become fast friends when that time comes.


If you lived in a 2-story house you could do what Tim Allen did in the Santa Claus movie with his tooth and the toaster. As I have a 2-story home, you are more than welcome to use my stairway :rolleyes: As it's now Monday, you are closer to Tuesday to be able to see your dentist - cheaper probably to go to him than fly to Pittsburgh LOL

Hang in there dear.

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Hang In there, remember always the Lord is not finished Blessing you yet. I will add my prayers for you and your family to the rest Hugs Karen

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Hang in there, just remember this shall pass too. how blessed you are that your son is doing great after such a horrific accident, & glad your dad & Jake both are doing good. you, your family & your dog will be in my thoughts and prayers.




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(((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) a gazillion of them. We had to put our dear sweet Tasha to rest in October. We had found her up the road on the highway.. not positive of her age.. somewehre between 14 and 17.. We had a very special 11 years with her. Muggsy my min pin ( we have is son and daughter from his only litter) is very special buddy of mine.. he will be 12 this yr... There is a little thing I read on he internet, about a little boy saying our pets are not here as long, because they are good and loving already.. and don't have to learn so much in life.


Oh my Gosh.. I think one of my greatest fears "dentist" even above spiders.. Tuesday is almost here.. so hopefully this will be over soon.


I certainly hope your dad is recovering from the pneumonia.. he may need to take it easy, and have extra rest to get his strength back.. If your dad was ever in the Armed Services.. he may want to contact the local VA office. they may be able to help with some home care or extra services.. when your brother is away.


I am glad Marc seems to be on the mend, and hopefully with Supervising, he wont have to do heavy lifting, etc.


I will keep you and your family close in my thoughts and prayers... and we will hope that whole flock of pigeons flew over at once.. and are on their way somewehere else


love and hugs Bonnie


and my furbabies are sending warm fuzzzy thoughts for Stimpy


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hello again everyone and thankyou so much for your kind and thoughtful replies. you have made me feel so much better. i hate to blog the woe is me blues, but i was about to come unglued, stress is not 1 of my virtues, i don't handle it to well, "stroke out". my dad is doing great and will be going home soon he says.my brother will follow up with doctors on that i am sure. stimpy is back home with us and back to his normal routine and doing great. i am so grateful for the extra time we have with him. the vet made it sound like he was on deaths door. hes eating drinking and urinating just fine, sleeping good and in no pain. this is probably the calm before the storm but thats ok i'll take it as long as god will keep him for me. my tooth gets fixed tomorrow. now my poor other son is having wisdom tooth pain, i told him its just his smarts trying to get out,LOL he did receive his LPN certificate today from school, i am so proud of him!!!!!!!!! my other issue hasn't resolved itself yet but it will bonnie have me a good tip today, thankyou dear bonnie. marc has not called me back to let me know how he's doing, so i'll just keep calling til he talks to me, mothers can be a pain sometimes, huh. thats ok i don't mind being a nag,LOL thanks again everyone for lifting my spirits. i do love my friends here with all my heart. i would be lost without them. hugs and love to you all. i hope your days are full of good things and great people who love you too. god bless you all. the three amigo's are one with each other. adios til next blog.


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