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Snowy Days with Harley



:Clap-Hands: This is my Harley today..... He had a blast in the snow. It was a bit deep for him but he was a real Trooper. What an incredible lil guy. Gosh, I adore him, could you tell?

Well, Gang, Round One ..... getting through the day. Had lost the power numerous times, Wayne's TV has completely died, good thing his new one is coming this week, if the snow cooperates. Our Washer and Dryer is coming the same day. Please snow stay away until a more convenient day for us. Pretty Please. I had gotten up this am and I went to open the front door as I wanted to get some pics of the snow, guess what, the dang door wouldn't open up. The snow was so high .... it was attacking us thinking it would take us hostage. Well, God had other plans. Wayne was still asleep and I started to think all these thoughts, Oh No I am stuck in this house, what if I needed to call 911, they would have to break down the door, etc. All these silly thoughts, I am half asleep mind you. I finally went in and Wayne was stirring so I let him know Harley needed to go out and I couldn't get any of the doors to open. So, he got up and tried to get at least one of the doors to open. After much prayer .... Finally, George came to our rescue. Bless his heart. George has shoveled us out for the past five years, He left our Church and we don't see him near as much... however, he realized this was like a blizzard type storm, The news was all about it, etc. There he was coming to our rescue. Let me introduce him to you. He was a Hero of the Pentagon on 9/11/ He was there that day and has gone on to give speeches about that day everywhere. He is a very dear friend. He is an Army Ranger. It took him about four hours to get the snow in manageable condition. He even started our vehicles up and got all the snow off of them. He won't let us pay him, nothing, he just does it cuz he said it's the right thing to do.

Not many people of that quality on this planet. I finally gave him some lil things and he accepted them. A deck of cards with hearts all over them. I told him he could get all cozy tonight with Susan, his wife, and they could play cards and other things. He loved it and he told me you know you didn't have to give me anything. I just want to make sure you all are ok. Plus, he loves Harley. We did fellowship for a bit before he left. He lives in our neighborhood. I shared with him we need to get together more often ... I miss him and Susan. He gave me a big hug.

We're suppose to be getting another storm in behind this one. After he got everything all cleaned up, guess what, it started snowing. He said, Jan, go figure. I teased him and said, Yep, the powers at be feel we need to visit with one another.

Well, I'm going to get off of here cuz the power is acting funny, flashing in and out. It might be a chilly evening if we lose power again. Frustrating. But, I am learning the meaning of my journey. Harley brings the joy in everything.

Snow, Sleet, Hail, Storm, long as I have my Harley Boy, everything's A-OK. He takes after his Mommy, he is a chip off the ole block, he is a little clown. He is my "mini me". :roflmao:


I will add more later on, I need to get off of here,

God Bless, Hugs, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR


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Harley-boy is totally adorable. You said "He is my 'mini me'" I didn't know you had 4 legs and a tail Jan LOL Bet you wanna through a snow ball at me. You can't get me na na na na na na :nana:


How sweet of George to come to your rescue.

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Harley-boy looks like a cute little snowball himself with the added accessory of

the little black drippy nose, Har-Har.


Na-na-na-na-na, can't get me neither!!! :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:



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hey Jan:


your harley is so cute blends in well with all that snow. you are blessed to have such a wonderful friend who does things because it's right thing to do, such a nice guy.




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Jan, Harley's adorable! (but you know that) What good pictures! We got our fair share of the snow today, too, but my particular vicinity was spared the whopping accumulation some areas got. Thank God! Sick of winter!!!


It was so much fun talking to you last night, too, it's always special to hear a real human voice!


Hope your power stays on!




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