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Wesley H.


Today I had the unenviable pleasure of learning new software. That was never real difficult before my stroke. I must have clicked around all over the place trying to figure out how to pull up different types of reports. By the end of the day I had become relatively familiar with the program. Bu the true test of what I learned will be tomorrow when I once again try to pull up a report showing me what consumable items were issued out of the stockroom for the USS GERMANTOWN contract. Obtaining that particular report had me stumped the biggest part of the morning. I finally figured it out after lunch, but as I said the test will be how long it takes me to do it tomorrow. I don


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Good for Juan and Carlos. I know they have been there for you from the beginning. They are good friends as well as good neighbors!


Sorry, but I had to smile about you having problems with new software. I can relate to a degree about that. Harriet has had to help me out lots of times. The only problem is that sometimes I have to take notes until I get the hang of it! So it isn't only post stroke people that have that problem. [ha] In your case, prior to August 29th it would not have been a problem so perhaps you will have retained more tomorrow than you think!


By the way, thank you so much for the comment on my blog yesterday! I have to admit, I smiled through teary eyes.

Sorry, I missed talking to you this evening.


I Love You


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Wes: That is great and I know things will be just fine when you try to get the info from the computer. Like one of my special cancer children that I worked with always said to me: "There's nothing to it BUT just to do it" those wise words have gone a long way with me.

I pray for you daily and only want the best that life has to offer for you. Take care, God Bless, Hugs, Jan


Believe In Miracles AND SOAR :type: :groupwave:


I hope you enjoy your time with your neighbors, sounds like great fun. :)

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Fortunately for you, you were genetically gifted with a superior intellect, so a little loss won't hinder you too much. lol! Can't say the same about dealing with the frustration from it not coming as easily as it once did. That's gotta suck!

I learn computer stuff the same way- click and see what happens- then take it from there. Easier for me to remember that way, too. And I can't tolerate getting beat by a piece of software so I know how you feel, and I know you'll win every time!

Keep on clickin'...... you'll do fine!


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round these parts...we just call Harriet! I can't figure out facebook or my checkbook for that matter. I think they change software for the same reason walmart moves everything the minute you leave, just to see who is persistant and who just goes to kroeger.

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