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Friday ended up being a day which I never imagined would or could happen. I had invited Mary, the friend that I have been mentoring since her stroke. Her Birthday was on the big snow blizzard day and we had to cancel our plans to celebrate so we had rescheduled for the next day that would be nice. I had planned all sorts of special surprises for Mary. The day was quite warm yesterday, 60 degrees. How can we go from blizzard to 60 in one week? Go Figure. Well, I took my shower and got dressed and decided I was going to sit on the front porch. It was beautiful outside. A day of endless possibilities. As I sat there thinking and talking to God, I decided ..... You know Jan you are doing good with your food plan, you've lost weight, now the only thing that would truly top everything is if you could take a walk. I do need to put exercise into my daily life .. Now, mind you, I was 100% paralyzed after my Brain Stem Stroke, told I would never walk again, etc. I can manage baby steps in my house, but for long term walking, etc. like going to the mall and such, I must use my wheelchair, The more I rocked in my rocking chair on the porch, the more I had the urge to go for a walk. I kept talking to God and saying well, you know God, what is the difference if I'm walking in my house vs the street, then it hit me.....

When you fall in the house, you have the rug to fall on, if you fall on the street, it's harder .....

Then I thought, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Besides, God is carrying me. So, I kept having a showdown in my mind and thoughts. Should I try walking down my ramp and enter the freedom of the free world, the street?

I decided, I will try and if it gets to hard, I will just go back to the safety of my rocking chair on my front porch. I want to regain my Independance.

There, I did it, I'm on the driveway...... My new neighbors came out for a smoke, I said hi to them and there I went. I went to the left of the street. I took my first two steps....ok, I'm off the driveway and I am actually standing on my street. I took a few more baby steps, then out of no where I hear:




I said, Hi there Julianna, it was Debbie, my dear Bible Study Partners Granddaughter, I said I'm going for a lil walk, You want to join me, just then There was a Lady I have never seen before with a stroller and inside the stroller was Colton and Ethan, Julianna's brothers, Debbie's Grandsons. I said hi to them as well. Julianna asked her babysitter if she could go with me. She looked at me, I started to laugh and I said, oh believe me, I'm not doing a marathon or anything, This will be the first walk I've taken outside of the house in five years. She looked at me and I explained my situation. She said, sure Julianna, I'll just be taking the boys for a quick stroll.

Off we went, I felt such freedom actually leaving my house, First things first however, I said to Julianna, if I should fall, or need help, please go and get Mr. Wayne OK? She said OK and that she knew which house was mine.

All of a sudden, five little girls ran up to Julianna, guess they were her "possee" and said, hey what ya doin? She said going for a walk with my friend, Miss Jan. Can we go with ya? She looked at me and I said SURE, the more the merrier. As I started walking, ... I got in the position where I could see that Julianna was copying the way I walk and I said hey, what ya doing? She said walking like you so you won't feel funny. I guess I can be seen as different. I just started laughing and she said what is so funny Miss Jan. I said well, sweetie, I guess I do kinda walk like a lil baby learning to walk for the first time don't I. But, you know what, at least I am walking. That is such a gift from God.

Julianna was my eyes, I didn't realize God had sent her to accompany me for my special walk, I would hear from time to time, Miss Jan, move to your right, there is a car coming, one time there was a UPS truck coming. She was such a big help. I may have only gone about to the end of the street and back, I DID IT..... WOW, you would have thought I had walked a thousand miles, What Joy, Excitement...... What gratitude I felt. What a gift was given to me...

I was tired, really tired. But, it was a good tired.


Julianna felt so good as well, she rejoiced and said, Miss Jan, look you did it. I said, well, sweetie, God sent you to help me and it was fun talking to your friends. I invited her friends to stop by any time they see me on the front porch. I love children and it was fun speaking with them. Having my mind on things other than stroke, having some type of newness other than living stroke 24/7.

Wayne didn't know I had or was doing this. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. He had a tizzy when he found out. What the hell did you try something like that for? You should have told me. etc. etc. etc.

He said, well how was it? I told him it was scary. But, I was in good hands.

He said, well, once the weather gets nicer, maybe you, me and Harley could go for walks. He said he didn't think I could take Harley with me as he will throw me off balance. But, that is my goal, to take the leash and say "Harley, wanna go for a walk with Mommy".. I have often thought that. Well, Today is Harley's Birthday and I am taking him for a walk by summer.

Who knows what else in store for me. There are always dreams to come true.

Today is Harleys special day so we are going for a ride ...... and he will get an extra treat today.


What challenges ..... Each new day is full of possibilities.


Will write more later. Got to go and get my shower ... I want to sit outside, another beautiful day.


Oh, I had called Debbie, when she answered, I said, hey, guess what I just did, she said SHE BEAT YOU TO IT..... YOU WENT FOR A WALK, hehehe She said Julianna already beat you to it and told me all about it. She was so happy for you and her lil friends adored you. Could not believe a lil child would take time from playing with her friends to call her Grandmother to tell her what she did, helping me .... That really touched my heart.


Believe In Miracles And SOAR :happydance:


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Jan I am so happy for you. I remember my first walk outside and I know how you feel. Its great that you were brave enough to give yourself the chance to do this. I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of a wonderful summer. And you made new friends in the bargain. Good for you. Go girl. Good luck with your new meal plan also. Give yourself a few months and you will be a complete new, better person.(you know I am talking about the outside, you are already that inside) Hugs,



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How wonderful for you and for your granddaughter. Something else really impressed me. That is how your granddaughter tried walking like you so you wouldn't feel funny! What a thoughtful child! Keep it up...but take someone with you just in case you happen to need someone!

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She isn't my Granddaughter, she's my friends, Debbie.

Oh, I know, I would never go by myself. I know God is with me always though.

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hey Jan:


you go girl, I know how good it feels to go for that walk. I love my walks and more I walk, my endurance increases. though in the begining always go with someone. walk with Harley & wayne sounds like fun.




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I don't see how you made it 5 years without going outside to walk on the sidewalk or in the street. I would have had fits not getting out. I'm more content now than I used to be.


I started off walking in the garage then I tried it in the grass, a lot of difference I tell you!

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Fred: I've been outside going up and down my ramp, I've walked simple steps, but never like I did yesterday, The last two strokes I had did their damage as well and my MG is a hard thing to deal with.


I am going to try to build up to walking outside a few times a week, Wayne and I have discussed it. I know with God's help, all things are possible.

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That's fantastic! You must be so elated! I would imagine that next time will be easier now that you know you can do it. Nothing to it but to do it...right? just be sure to take it slow and easy.




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CONGRATULATIONS JAN!!! :friends: :happydance: :party: :Cheers: :Clap-Hands: :Dance: :Dance:


You do have people in high places watching over you, but I'm not telling you anything you don't already know! :Angel: :Angel: :Angel:


And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HARLEY!!! :happybday: I have no doubt that you made it a very special day for him! I forget, how old is he? It occurred to me as I read your entry that taking my little Boo for walks is something I was wishing (last summer and fall) that I could do, too. After reading this, I'm thinking "Well, why not?" Just a matter of building up my endurance and there's still time for that. I'm sure my mom would welcome the opportunity to go with us!


It's neat how this works. You give so much encouragement to me. just by reading what you do.


And what Julianna did, and how she watched out for you, is adorable, as I'm sure she must be.


Love you Jan! Keep looking up!



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jan, i am so happy marymac was able to be with you to celebrate her birthday. she is truly an inspiration to fellow strokers. your walk was a BIG YAHOO FOR YOU G.F. something like that can be so scary the 1st time we do them. but you overcame and you conquered!!!!!!!! now hopefully the more you do it the easier it will become. your little friends made the walk that much more enjoyable for you. now with more practice, you can walk with wayne and harley which will be good for all of you. i am so happy and proud of you. i hope harleys birthday was a fun day for him, i know his mommy really spoiled him today. you are such a good mommy to your harley boy. love them and spoil them for as long as you have them. love n hugs, kimmie

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You know your stroke and mine had similarities, My first step without a cane was to keep a dog from knocking over Kaylee. Even if its only a few steps I try to take those few steps each week with my Back ups handl holding mine. With God all things are possible. I have a story to tell you about ramps sometime HA

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You were brave and followed your heart by taking those big steps outside. I won't say I can only imagine how good you felt...I know how good it made you feel as a stroke survivor. I remember my first trip out was to the library. We were having heat alerts in Ohio and people without air conditioning were directed to libraries and etc. I walked in and half of those folks had their heads on the tables taking a nap in the cool air conditioning. I staggered over to an empty table and heads popped up. I had so many offers to help get me books and I know God was with me that day. I enjoyed the socializing which I desperately needed at the time more than the selection of books. The powers that be work in mysterious ways.


I hope you are able to get out more and walk with Wayne & Harley. The fresh air and feeling of indepdence will help.


Hey, how is the Nutri System working? How long have you been using this?


Keep on enjoying the beautiful weather. It was 74 degrees in Cincy yesterday and absolutely a vibrant day.

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I am so happy and so proud for you! You didn't just "take a walk", you took back part of your life!! And God sent angels to protect you and share your joy the entire way!

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Way to go girl!!! You've come a long way baby!! And, yes, you are a miracle. God obviously saved you for a reason and you are proof that with faith all things are possible. I am blessed too after my brain stem stroke (I think the clot must have disapated pretty fast altho' I too was 100% paralyzed). I walk short distances with a cane or walker - no mall for me either but I can do CVS or Hallmarks if the parking is close - My big accomplishment was driving. God gives you angels wherever you go and he certainly did on your walking day. That is so awesome.

You are a miracle and do soar. Leah

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Guest Hostjoy



What an inspiring story! I am so happy for you for this wonderful accomplishment!! :) The little children were your angels that day, watching over you! It takes a person as special as you to gain the love and friendship of a little child! Hugs!!!..............Joy

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