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even though I am younger than you but in my stroke recovery journey I am senior to you. I will give you two fold advice & since it is so hard to give then receive. I think it is natural to play what if games post stroke but that game will drive you crazy, frustrated & angry. once you accept that our body which is marvelous machine failed us. but you are still here & still can make best out of your years ahead. I know there is still beautiful post stroke life. as time will go on you will refine & define new you and as far as I know you, I love new you already.




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Of course you already know it does no good to play the blame game. I just told you, so far as doing jumping jacks, I could never do those things. I had to laugh visualizing you doing them as you described it. Sounded a lot like me and supposedly I have no excuse!


So far as the HMO doctors etc. there are lots of people who have high numbers in their blood work and blood pressure problems too but never have a stroke. The same could be said of heart attacks and there are those where there is simply no explanation. Such as in your case. I really like what Paula said...about perhaps your lot will be to continue being the beautiful example you are being to others. You are amazing!

I love you


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At 4 years post, believe me the blame games does not get us anywhere. You've realized that already; I was stubborn and it took me longer.


One teeny piece of advice that I try to follow that was told to me - try not to focus on how far you still want to go in your journey but rather how far you've come since "S" day.


You've come a long way as the commercial goes. Keep plugging away at it - one day I bet you will do jumping jacks. God Bless you for even being able to do a 1/2 of one. I'd fall on my nose if I tried I think.


PS - I need to start creating my entries in word and copying and pasting as mine vanished last night after giving you advise LOL.

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Or maybe there is no reason, other than you were just one of the unlucky ones. Don't guess it really matters one way or the other, the outcome doesn't change one bit. Your body may be uncooperative, but I'm grateful that you're still you. And even though it's difficult you're mobile and you're able to do most of the things that matter most to you, plus you still keep seeing regular improvement.. Hang tough! Love you!!

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WOW! How did your sisters get so wise! You too...it must run in the family![ha] I am glad you are still you too!

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