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Another Opportunity for Growth

AZ Leah


I promised myself I would do a blog entry today and here it is 9:45pm and I haven


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Hi Leah,


I know you will be okay when Jerry is away. But, yes please do check in so we don't worry too, lol.

Change is always scarey for anyone, espically when it is not expected or wanted. You are doing great!!. One day and one step at a time. I, like you internalize and read to much into things. I end up worring alot of the times for nothing and it certainly is exhausting.

Take care of yourself, cuddle your furry friends, we are always here for you too.


hugs Anne

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hi leah,


first, thank you for your kind words in your comment on my blawg entry.


it sounds as though you really have a good plan and i encourage you to just stick with it.

you will be ok i am sure.


feel free to just send me a PM if you want to connect with a newbie!


you can also spend time on my little island, you know, DEEN ISLE, if you wish.


free use of the whole island. my compliments.



stay close to the buddies i am sure you have and you will be just great.




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I'm glad to here you have a plan in place if you need assistance while Jerry is gone. Having your 3 furbabies there will be a comfort to you as well.


Make the most of your "Leah" time and please try to check in with us to let us know how you are doing.


I too tend to internalize things as I was always the "strong" one and handled it all on my own. Having someone to confide to is so important.


Enjoy your Greta Garbo time :)

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hi leah, i too know you will be just fine while hubby is gone. you have come so far on your recovery and you haven't stopped yet. enjoy your alone time, it will be good for you and your fur babies. having a plan in place is the 1st step in planning your alone days. do check in with us so we know you are ok. now you can catch up on some reading and rest. go out to dinner with friends and just enjoy yourself. be safe and well my friend. kimmie

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hey Leah:


I know you will do great while hubby is gone and I can tell yoou from my own personal experience that this move will help boost up ur cofidence in you. & if you need to talk with a friend I am just PM away. I love to yak so PM me anytime & I will love talking to u.




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Hi Leah~


Where in AZ do you live? I 'am moving to a del webb in Surprise, maybe when we get there we can hook up, I too am weepy, doing the chat has help me exscape from thinking this a mistake & I want back from this twilight zone. but then reality comes in to remind me. I 'am afraid to be alone, since My stroke happen when I was driving, I am afraid to drive. I have my dark moments & good moments, so try & get on the chat room, it is a temporary escape. hope to chat with you. This alone time will show how strong you really are.............Best wishes!


Jeanne in Ca.

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