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Well time has finally arrived where I return to work today, mostly on the evening shift. It will feel good to bring home a paycheck again. Hope I can hold up to the hours since it's been so long. I'm trying to cut back on pain meds but I hurt more at night than at other times.


I'm still going to get checked out by doctors for muscle pains and weakness in my leg and arm. I don't want any clots to be forming, that could spell big troubles. Otherwise all else should be as usual. I think the store has cut back on hours for some people but my schedule is full time.


Anyway being able to use my scooter is a big, big help since my walking has declined so much. I will try to stand as much as possible to keep my leg from getting stiff. I just have to remember I'm not a 100% by any means so if it gets too hard on me I know it will be time to consider not working any more. I guess when you get used to working it is not easy to stop especially the way the economy is now.


It seem like there has been a complete change in people since I have been gone. I saw so many new faces when I went to tell them I would be back today. I will have a new manager in the garden center too. I don't know how that relationship will be but as long as I do my job it shouldn't be any problems. There isn't much to being a people greeter in the garden center, we don't take returns coming back to the store and I'm thankful for that.


I hope my fatigue don't get in the way. I would hate to be standing or sitting there sleep. People come and go all day long and especially now getting their gardens and lawns ready for spring planting. So many of the haven't seen me for a long while so I'm sure I will be greeting all the time. I'll still get tired and sleepy but won't take much medications. If I start to feel too drowsy I will pop a NoDoz tablet.


I will try to check in with the gang here if I don't get home and crash out first. I think I am ready but only time will tell. I also hope they haven't been saving up all the little messy task for me to do when I get back. I still don't do windows or glass in the doors but they know that already. Seems like every time they change managers, the first thing they want me to do is clean the doors and big windows. Can you see me doing that with one hand?


That's why they have maintenance people walking around with broom, mop, dust pans and cleaning items. Sure, I can stand there until some one comes to clean up a spill to protect our customers.


Well I'd better start getting ready for this first day, probably the hardest since it's the first day back in quite a while. Over all the schedule is great, we break two hours after clock in, two hours later it's lunch, then two more hours, break and after two more hours we go home. The eight hours are done.


They don't pay us for lunch so it's a nine hour day. And if you must or feel sick you can go home. With me just coming back I have no sick leave accrued.


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Guest lwisman




Congrats on going back to work. I hope all works out ok for you.


Regarding muscle weakness. Are you on a statin? (Lipitor, Zocor, etc). Muscle weakness is very common. Both my sister and a cousin had this problem. I would definitely ask my doctor about it. Both Marge and Jack went off the statin and within a week were feeling 200% better.



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Hiya Fred,


Hope your first day went well for you. You'll get in the swing again and back on the saddle easily I hope. Using your :scooter: will help you alot I'm sure. I hope the pain does not get in your way. Bet it will be good to see your familiar customers as they come in to get ready for spring planting.

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I am on zocor, have been since my stroke. Every time I stop my cholesterol goes sky high and they put me back on it. That is a factor in my mind and is why I try to get off it from time to time. Lin do you know of a non statin drug that works?


All was good in my first day, it went fast. Many customers were wondering what had happened to me. Some of them live only a couple blocks from the store and comes in 3 or 4 times every day. They were buying their tomato plants and other garden items to get the gardens going by next week.


I enjoyed being able to sit on my scooter to take a break, my leg got tired first but I didn't get sleepy as I thought I would.

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Hi fred, you know I had alot of muscle pain too. they kept trying different drugs. I'm on Zetia for cholestrol & so far ok..........the pharm. said you have to try diff. ones, brcause you can end up with permanet muscle damage. I talk to a lot of dr. & pharmaisist to help me. so Dr. say try to take the pain. I said B.S. I also belong to Life Extension, it's free...........but boy do you learn alot about the cholesterol controversy. I take a supplement with my chol. pill & it has help me get my numbers down.

Keep trying & good luck, I sure know how you feel. Good Luck..............


Jeanne in Ca

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