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Stretching Boundaries

Wesley H.


Sooner or later the time comes when I have to stretch my boundaries a little further. Today was one of those days. After doing more than just a short drive last night, Deb asked me at 5:00 AM this morning how I felt about driving myself to work. Needless to say; I was all for it, but as I was going through the front door; she asked if I would feel better about it if she rode with me. I really didn


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Yay!!!!!!! Geno's getting more and more back to normal all the time! Before you know it, Deb will be able to sleep in the mornings. Just think of all the gas you'll save when you only make one trip to work a day!

Don't apologize for being AWOL. You'll write when you have something to write about. Obviously there was nothing negative worth reporting so I'll consider that to be a good thing.

I'm very proud of all your accomplishments. I know you've worked really hard to get where you are and you deserve to be feeling good! Keep at it! It's only gonna get better!!!!!

Love you, lil brother!


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Another mile stone! Great! You have simply amazed a lot of people but I have to say: I am not in the least surprised!! I have always believed you would be whole again and I still believe it! I also am well aware of your determination to regain everything you possible could. You know about my strong faith and how people all over the USA were praying for your recovery. One of your friends on this site mentioned about the difference one year will make! I don't doubt that one bit...cause look how far you have come in seven months! It really was good to hear the cheerfulness in your voice earlier because of your progress....driving to work today! That is awesome! :thumbup:

I Love you


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yeah bubby! I can't wait to see you and Deb. You two are amazing. One of these days you are going to realize that you are just getting through a normal day like any other. You know, work, home, bike, home, bed......and then all over again, and you will feel great. I love you.

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:happydance: :Clap-Hands: :You-Rock: I wish I could do 10% of what you have managed to accomplsh.. Think of it I am a 2 year survivor and I really need my scootie and cane. I am trying to use the scootie less and less but that aggravates the central pain. You are an inspiration! Karen

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What a great feeling it must have been driving to work and even taking the interstate! I am a Van Morrison fan and I can remember my first time driving after stroke and the awesome feeling..there was good music, great weather, my warbled singing, and a total feeling of independence.


You will find as you return more and more to your pre-stroke life that you will communicate here less. That's okay as it is a part of returning to some sense of normalcy. While you were home, it was easy and comfortable to think of stroke almost constantly. Once you get back out, you are involved in other activities. It's normal and this alone shows how much you are progressing.


Keep on doing what you are doing as it is working.

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Hi Dad! I miss you! I'll admit I don't always comment on your blogs, but I read them every chance I get. This one brought a smile to my face, so I had to comment. Being a city girl these days, I am NEVER behind the wheel (unless you count backseat driving with taxicabs - p.s. they don't appreciate it). However, I always borrow the truck whenever I come home to visit. I love coming home for this--and seeing you too of course. The last time I drove the truck was over Christmas - that was 3 months ago! You know, you probably have more hours behind the wheel post stroke than me in the past few years! That being said, I definitely know the thrill of being behind the wheel for the "first time"... and the Interstate! Wow, such a thrill! My heart races just thinking about veering off of E street, getting onto the highway, and exiting at H... HAHAHA! I'll tell you something though, sometimes the things you can't imagine your life without, such as driving a car every day, don't seem to matter as much when your life goes on without them. I love you, Dad!

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