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Back To "Normal"



Whatever that is!! Sam finally finished the round of appointments that the fall generated. She's OK and I helped to put a bunch of Dr's kids through college again. She's back to standing, and I'm not even looking at the TV while she does it. Lesson learned, there!!!


Took Rudy to the Vet. Had him checked out and "noodled" (as Sam calls it). Was a bit worried about heartworms, because he would cough and be short of breath when he ran with the big dogs. He's OK, too. A little slow tonight, but he'll be fine.


We've been out fishing and doing well!! Sam caught a few walleyes and some crappies. Weather is warming, so we'll be spending more time outside.


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I am a little concerned about that as my Ms. Liberty Libby Lou has coughed a few times here. In denver Our vet recommends 6 on and 6 off the Hearworm chewies. Unfortunately its been a very very mild winter here this year. :yikes: I have two Shih Tzu and the other one I discontinued everything but Rabies as he is getting very old. 16 years and that is ancient by Shih Tzu standards. Glad to hear everything checked out ok. Karen

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glad Sam & Rudy both are doing fine. spring is here woohoo. I bet you are going to have great fishing season.




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Glad Sam is ok. and Falls do happen... I am not as wobbly as I used to be.. I say weebles wobble.. and they do fall down. I am glad to hear everything checked out fine for Sam.


the fishing sounds good.. yummy fresh fried wallyeyes...


Good to hear Rudy is doing ok.. time for vet visit here too. Mindy is due to have her thyroid test again.. she gets a thyroid pill everry morning.. but shegets a blood tests to make sure the dose is staying normal.


Cheers.. and happy fishing. Bonnie




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