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My Mom, Mary Cochenour



:friends:My Mom


It's been thirty five years ago today since you went away

How I wish I was there that day

But I didn't know

No one told me Mom

Had I known, I would have done things so differently


I didn't have the maturity that I have now

I was just a young kid

The thought of dying would have never entered my mind

I have my own demons and fight with the Beast

We both had Beasts but yours was Cancer and mine was Brain Stem Stroke


The legacy of your Faith is what gets me by

Every good thing I possess or do is because of you

Your capacity to Love and Understand

The meaning of being a good friend

How I wish you were still here

I need you so Mom

My heart aches for you

My heart aches for what could have been

Your beast, Cancer, robbed me of so much

Your love which I know is enduring forever

But, I just miss your smile and hugs

Your words of wisdom, your laughter

and loving nature

How you could take the pain I felt away

Mom, I will never have all the answers

I didn't get to have closure with you

and this has left me wondering

I need to let this go so I can live my life

the life I know you want me to have

I have asked God every year to

mend my broken heart

and set me free

with assurance you are doing just fine

Please know Mom you will always

be a big part of my life

and one day we will be together

again for all eternity

I love you Mom and I always will

You were just fifty-one

how so very young you truly were

So much time was taken from the both of us

Just know you will always be my Mom

You have a permanent home in my heart


Written in Memory of My Mom, Mary Cochenour

with Love, Jan

3/19/09 :hug:


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That was beautiful Jan. You Mom had to be a very special lady, just as her daughter Jan is. I know she is in Heaven watching over you and so proud of your accomplishments in life.

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i am so touched that you shared this loving conversation between your mom and yourself with the rest of us. i can see how much you love her. that is also telling of how much she loves you. you must have received that part of your spirit from her. while i can only get a glimpse of your pain from the loss, through this conversation, it does show me how fortunate that you did have her as a mom in this life, and how fortunate she is to have been your mother in this life. i pray for your grieving to heal, and for your relationship and love for your mother to grow ever stronger.

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such a beautiful tribute to lovely mom. I am sure your mother must be very proud of you every day in heaven. I really wish I could be just like your mother that one day my son will miss me the way you miss ur mom.




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Jan as one who writes poetry I can see the love you have for your mom. The good news is this you will be reunited in heaven where No cancer or stroke can prevail. Hugs to you Keep beliveing in miracles and SOAR!

Love Karen

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nicely written jan. i understand your sorrow and pain very well. i lost my mother just 4years ago myself and couldn't be with her either. i will always regret that for the rest of my life. my mothers death anniversary is next month. the pain and sorrow of my loss tears me to pieces each year. im sure our mothers are together, pain free and each telling the other how proud they are of theirs daughters and what they have made it through and survived, especially you. the love we have for others stricken down with a terrible illness and how we both are there to help others in our own way. a mother is a special honor that us women are given by god in our time here on earth. i know i have made a difference in my childrens lives as our mothers did in ours. have faith in knowing we will see them again one day and they will never leave us again. your poem was a perfect tribute to your mother. god bless you for all you have accomplished in this life. love n hugs, kimmie

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