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AZ Leah


Things have gone pretty well except for one big snafu. Wed. night I was watching TV and I heard a commotion and a crash on our screened porch (which adjoins our fam room with a solid door). So of course I had to see what it was or I should say which kitties created the noise and ensuing problem. I went out on the screen porch and one cat had chased another into a round table, tipped it over and took with it a vase and plant --KOBOOM .:yikes: In peeking over to see how much mess there was, I lost my balance and (yep) fell, hitting another smaller round table on my way down. :oops: Luckily no cuts or brakes but I have a bruised rib which will take a while to heal. I have learned YET another lesson the hart way - never go out on the porch without my cane. I am sore and tired due to pain but have til tomorrow til Jerry comes back. He arrives in Atlanta tonight and spends the night there with his sister. I figure he'll call. I am not goint to tell him what happened til he gets home. I figure he can do with another night with no problems. I almost feel like a schoolgirl ready to get a scoulding than a 65 yr old woman (although immature) who didn't do anything on purpose. A friend of mine came up on Wed and cleaned the littler for me and picked up the broken vase mess. Bless her - She is actually going to glue to back together!! My neighbor is picking up my mail til Jer gets home and I was able to clean the litter today. It's hard finding a comfortable position to sleep but I guess I did okay. I took an early nap yesterday so I could watch U OF A WILDCATS (#12) BEAT UTAH (#5) YEH YEH. His highness :horse: gets home tomorrow around noon so I may miss chat. But all is well and I have taken care of things myself -- thank you very muchy!! :happydance: This is a great venue to vent. I've talked to someone every day so I am not alone ! Leah


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i knew ya could do it. way to go. sorry about the fall, though.

still, you wanted to see if you could grow, and it sounds like you

did a terrific job at it. i iz happy fer u.



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I KNEW you could do it gal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about your misshap and glad to hear no serious injury. I'm glad that you had assistance to help you out. Darn kitties lol. Mine will make some awful messes - times I can take care of it myself and other times not.

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Leah, Bless your heart. Did you get to the DR? If not, I hope you do just to make sure everything is ok. Did you have a phone near by so you could call for help? Who got you up or are you able to do that by yourself? That is my problem, when I am down for the count, I have to call 911 as I can't get up by myself. Harley, sometimes, will get in my way and not budge or move, so I try to go around him and I have fallen a few times .. but, now we are good at him getting out of my way. Did your babies come to your side? Harley does that, when I am down for the count, he will bring me his toys like a peace offering, and he won't leave my side. Bless his heart. Our pets are something aren't they? I am keeping you in my prayers. God Bless, Hug,


P.S. Let us know how things end up ok, please?

Believe In Miracles And SOAR :)

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Yeah. good for you, sory about the fall. I know the first time John was gone, was a bit scarey...... but it is amazing what we can do. I am glad your friends came over to help.


And what a sense of accomplishment . Good for you ! Congratulations



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hey Leah:


I am going to gloat & say, I told you so, you will do great alone, sorry about the fall but that's part of life & learning our lessons through our mistakes. glad fall didn't create major problems. Jerry will be so happy to see you well & doing wonderful all alone. have great time with him now but we will miss u



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congrats! i had total faith in your abilities to go it alone. it is a great gift as a survivor to give to our caregiver....time alone with no big worries. i am really proud of you. p.s. stay off that back porch for a few days! hugs! kathy

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hi leah, sorry to hear about your fall, glad all is ok and you were not seriously hurt. you did really good your 1st time alone and jerry will be very proud of you i am sure. next time leave the kitties to their own mess,LOL to not risk another fall. you will be so glad to have him home again, i bet.

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