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Ups and downs



I was under the assumption I was going to have a wonderful day. That was the problem "I thought" who ever told you you can think? After all when another person is involved the whole picture changes. Now their are two people involved in thinking, perception, judgment. All things considered. I am usually most of the time using spirit to guide me through my day. After all we are all one. So, their is only one who knows what you are thinking. But when you throw life into the picture you have confusion inserted. That means the Ego. Ego wants it's way. It brings the unexpected twist and turns into a relationship. The baggage Ego brings, let me count the ways: 1) always wants it's way. 2) It's right and if their is doubt it will convince you it's right at any cost. 3) Judgment comes into play 4) You rather be right than happy 5) Use any body else to get what you want 6) It's better to blame the other person, for it looks better that they are doing the wrong 7) Ego does not have to explain to any one, cuz it does not recognize anybody but itself 8) Ego does not know the meaning of sharing


What got me on this today, well someone else wanted to run to the store to return something and I'll add every thing was hunky-dory :thumbs up: starting the day out. But not so fast. Ego decided to rear it's head towards me and her I sit on my computer typing this wondering what it was that I did that made the other person bring out his Ego. What did I say? The other person dropped me off and left. Who know where or for how long. But did utter to me "we are not going tonight".


Tonight: I went to the store early this morning to get my ingredients for my desert I am taking to a Pot luck supper. So I sit, with grocery's bought and not going. I depend on that person to take me. I've had this on my calendar for over a month. My desert needs to be put together ahead of time so it has time to sit. I was going to get to see old friends, and have a chance to me some new. Now it's not going to happen. Put the grocery's in the fridge for another day.


Take the lemon and turn it into a lemonade. Now it's time for walk in the park and a good long meditation.


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I'm so sorry for your predicament. Life after stroke is difficult enough on it's own let alone through the differences between males and feales into the mix.


You got the right attitude girl - make some lemonade, take a long walk, and regroup.

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:forgive_me?:Hey there my buddy, Jeanniebean, My heart goes out to you, It seems there are two roads we must go down sometimes, our journey road and the one that the Civilians travel. They don't stop and try to understand the ups and downs we have in our journey. When they want to go and get things done, they just say bye and hop in their vehicle and go on down the road. I understand how being in a situation where you can visit with people and make new friends is such an exciting thought. I never get that opportunity. I am going to keep you in my prayers and I hope that person will humble themselves and apologize for their behavior. However, in my walk with civilians I don't think they learned those two little words that could make all the difference in our lives. I am sorry... but, it is great that you could share your journey and maybe it will help others. Now aren't you glad you started blogging? It is very healing for me and I am so happy you started one. You do wonderful with it. I am here for you always, just remember that. You are a wonderful gal. Hugs n Love, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR :You-Rock: :hug:

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hey Jeanniebean:


I hope in your walk meditation you realize that there are no incidents in our life good or bad. yes it feels bad that you were anticipating to this event for a long time and it did not go as you had planned, but so what you made great lemonade out of that bad feeling so your day was still good, by going for a walk, and making friends with yourself. that reminds me I should go for a walk right now.



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