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Aponogly ?



Thanks everyone for the understanding, sometimes when things go a ry you think it only happens to you. Let :BashHead: me introduce you to my hubby, his name is Carl he is 62

never been sick a day in his life. Until one day in July of '07' was stroked. He refused to go to the hospital, he was scared (which came out in a later discussion) and I was scared mixed with confusion. The next day I insisted I take him to emergency. He would not let me call 911. He was paralyzed on the right side and his speech garbled-aphasia. Carl is back to normal except for his speech-and every thing that goes with it. That everything is the WOW the effect. Carl's mind was turned back to a little kid. :Tantrum:

Carl woke up Sunday morning, was very civil we had a discussion and he was very humble and apologized.

Everything has changed for us, when the mind been stroked. I have to remember to watch my P's and Q's and give him TIME to get out what he is try to say.

If only I can remember to keep my mouth closed and wait till later to say what's on my mind. All in keeping peace.


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You may benefit from reading blog emtries by one of our caregivers jriva. Jean is a caregiver to her husband, Don, who has aphasia.


It is a blessing that Carl's recovery has gone so well. As recovery never ends his speech should continue to improve. Stroke recovery for all of us, even with aphasia issues, requires patience patience and more patience on the survivors and caregivers part.



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I totally understand what you are talking about. It is hard to remember that your husband's mind isn't like it use to be before the stroke. My husband has aphasia and sometimes it is a struggle for me to keep my mouth shut and be patient when I am trying to understand what he is telling me. He gets his feelings hurt easily like a little child, too. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Thanks for your encouraging comments on my recent blog. I am feeling better today. Got some much-needed sleep last night which really helped!



Your friend,



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