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The Well Runs Dry

Wesley H.


I am sure that anyone who has done this blog thing for any length of time can confirm; sooner or later you just run dry and there


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My friend, I understand. Please post as you can and when you have something to share and we will be here. You are right in that stroke does change us. We learn much through this process and the majority come out even stronger in many different way. Keep on enjoying San Diego, one of the most beautiful cities in the USA!

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I just checked in to see if you had made an entry! I understand completely about thinking of something to write about daily, but I will miss your comments. I am very thankful that you are getting on with your life. Remember, you have have given so much inspiration to a lot people on this site as well as others that knew you before August 29th, 2008 and know the person you are today. No, you will never be the same in a lot of ways but you will be wiser in more areas than you had ever thought of before! That is a good thing! Do keep the updates periodically for those who want to follow your progress. That will continue to encourage others to move forward, knowing they too, might be able to have a life post stroke!


You really are a special person...but then you always were.......well...most of the time! :lol:

Love you


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I will stay tuned in case. I have even thought to start a blog of my own since I cannot figure out to save my soul what to do about java so I can chat. I am sure you will have some nugget soon or comments to leave for others. Thanks for all your blogs so far. They do encouage us to keep on keepin on. Karen

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Dear Wes: I will miss you but I totally understand your decision. I will keep you and your family in my prayers daily and whenever I see a bike rider I will think of you. You did make a contribution to others here and you will continue to do so. Did you see where Lance had a bad fall and broke his collarbone? I am happy you are so far along in your journey. Just remember the lessons you learned here. You will be a part of my stroke journey. God Bless, Hugs, Jan

There's nothing to it but to do it.

Believe in miracles and SOAR


Wes, it's your time to SOAR



Time To Say See You Later


There comes a time in our journey when we realize

it is time to take another turn to learn more lessons

God has in store for us

We will miss you and will never forget all that you

shared with us, But God has other plans for you

Wes You have been given such a gift

The gift to drive again, to ride your bike, to be

the Dad and Husband you were meant to be

and so much more

You are going to do great and know you have so

much support from all of us here

you will hear our words from time to time

I am sure

There's Nothing To It But To Do It


Believe In Miracles And SOAR

That is what you are doing my friend


Your Blogs were fun to read and taught us so much

How you would inspire others to go that extra mile

That you can achieve your goals if you set some

Enjoy your new road to explore

Remember your friends will always be here

Stop by every now and then and Blog a line or two

so we can be kept in the loop

A few pics here and there too

As they say

"A Picture Is Worth A Million Words"

Enjoy your vacation

One that you so well deserve

May God be the wind beneath your wings

Soar, Soar, Soar, Soar, Soar, Soar, Soar

Guess it's time to say

See you Later "Wes"


Written For Wes 3/24/09

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Hi Wes,


I too understand how the "well runs dry" after a bit. I used to post weekly entries at one point early on then slowly they slowed down to monthly - sometimes even bi-monthly. We all come to a point where we feel that life is in a non-important routine post stroke and that we'll just bore people.


On the flip side though there are many guests who read the blog entries daily - our entries may touch their lives and offer them inspiration to keep moving forward as we have. Please update us as you can. Thoughts and prayers to you and your loving family.



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I'm very happy to hear that you won't be writing every day. That tells me that you're much too busy with living and that things are moving right along for you.

I wouldn't worry about the stacking toys and rubber bands-- I guarantee that your "forced use" program is more productive for you or you wouldn't be seeing results. I think sometimes therapy programs are more for people who won't take the initiative to push themselves on their own. I remember after my car wreck my therapist told me after a couple weeks that I may as well not come back.. I knew what to do and I was doing just fine on my own. I bet that applies to you as well.

Enjoy being back in the routine, but don't forget to say hello to your sister from time to time.


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hey Wes:


I understand your feeling of well running dry, but do come here from time to time & update us about your wonderful life post stroke. I too used to write every day now stopped, since I get even lot out of reading other's blogs. I find my stroke was part of my life's journey & it has made me wiser & better person & I am thankful for that.




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wes, friend,


please. don't disappear off the map. ok. i understand your message, and i know you need to follow your heart, that is good, that is healthy. we still want to see you around when you can though.


i hope yer not gonna hafta mayke me send tha sherrrrrrrif, an hiz depooteez Rudee and Loussifer

out ta rownd ya up, er nuthin like that!


be good to yerself. see ya when ya can.




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As I was reading what you wrote I was thinking more along the lines of what your sister said. I wasn't thinking it was a bad thing for you, just more that you were becoming more focused on real life and your emotions are less dependent. The well running dry sounds like you just no longer have the need to vent which is a really good thing. You know this is a long road so if you do need to from time to time we'll be here. Even if you're not posting your own entries frequently, you can always continue to stay involved in the blog community as well by responding to others blogs.

Keep up the good work


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Thanks for the kind words. I will not drop off the world. I have, in a brief time, come to truly love this site and the wonderful people who populate this little world. Thanks for understanding...by no longer being consumed by what occurred in my life, I now feel as though I need to move forward with life and spend less time sitting in front of the computer.



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Hip Hip Hoorayyyyyyyyyy for you !!!!!!!!! YOU GO WES !!! YOU ARE NOT WAITING FOR THE STORM TO PASS, YOU ARE LEARNING TO DANCE IN THE RAIN ! I LOVE THAT SAYING. You are so blessed, with a very supportive family and work place. With that kind of support you will do just fine. I too spend less time on the site. Life does take us back to reality and I am so glad you don't feel you must blog, but we all will miss it and you.


Great to know you and your family, you all are so STRONG, in what you all have been through. I will continue to pray for you and yours.


P.S. Kentucky Friends always here, tell your family hi for me.




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Hi Wes. This shows progress.. I look forward to your Blogs, and I will look for updates... It is good that you have worked through this part of your recovery.


I hated some of the PT exercises.. I had to reach into a Large jar of jelly beans and sort them by color into 8 or 9 cups. ( I wore a latex glove) and NO i had no desire to eat them, having no idea how many people had been doing the same thing...LOL maybe if I could have eaten them it would have made it more fun.


I did practice at home picking up and sorting small items.. maybe you could sort some nuts and bolts or screws into jars.. the main thing is learning the fine motor control.

I had either a strangle hold on things.. or i would pick up things and immediately drop them. I probably have about 90% use of my left hand now.. by practicing.. it sometimes.. decides not to listen and just open up.. but it is much better than when I started ( I had a 12 oz glass of red punch ) i dropped it just before I got out the sliding glass door....

My husband said WHY did you do that..... my reply was i wanted to see what 12 oz of red punch looks like on blue carpet...


Take Care , enjoy life.. and be happy



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