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I have been asking the Holy Spirit to send me help, and help has arrived. Carl and I rent a house with a small yard. We get a boy in the neighbor to cut our grass (weeds) usually. Carl has for the past four years put a garden in, but this year he needs help. My landlord sent over one of his helpers and my prayer has been answered.

The man is in his sixty's and glad to be helping Carl, and can understand him. If not he tell him to settle down and Carl accepts it. They are working together and laughing and joking around. This has made Carl a much happier person to live with. And I'm a happier person.

At the moment I have in my yard four new Japaneses Maples each one a different specie. With a ring of creeping jenny at the base.

Next Carl has planted tomatoes in a bucket upside down, and basil on the top. The other 5 plants of tomatoes and 12 peppers different kinds in pots.

The time he spends with the gardener gives me a break for the first time with us being both home.



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Tomatoes and Basil upside down Please if you can explain I want tomatoes so bad and I use alot of basil. This sounds like my kind of gardening if I understood what you mean plant it upside down???!!

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Yes, please explain upside down tomatoes in a bucket, I have seedlings planted inside for now and I was wondering how you do the upside down thing.


Sometimes angels are sent into our life, I am so glad to hear that Carl has another one to help him and be his friend.


hugs anne

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hey Jeannie:


tomatoes upside down, wow I m impressed. I can't even garden anything upside up. treasure your blessings, & thank them every day. I know power of gratitude. more grateful we feel in our life, better things happen in our life. sounds like Carl also found a friend.post stroke life does feel sometimes lonely. can your carl use computer? encourage him to join this site & start using blogging.




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I have seen the upside down tomatoes advertised on TV. Is that what you mean? I am having Misti help me start some tomato seeds today. The plants should be ready by the middle of

May when we set out plants in this part of the country. My mouth is watering just thinking about fresh tomatoes.



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A garden brings joy. I am glad Carl has someone helping him. We are having rain here in Ohio today and I know this will help our plants tomorrow when the sun comes out. I have tons of new flowers peeping their heads up in the ground.

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Guest lwisman


Here is link to one option in a catalog I received yesterday. Upside down tomatoes


This is a standalone option. There is also an option where you hang the planter.


Lots of places are offering these. Search around.

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Here is link to one option in a catalog I received yesterday. Upside down tomatoes


This is a standalone option. There is also an option where you hang the planter.


Lots of places are offering these. Search around.


Oh this looks wonderful My husband is a genius I am sure once I show him He will have the concept and we shall be enjoying our Tomatoes and Herbs in short order Thanks for sending that in. Should I even confess I was thinking you put the plant in the dirt upside down. But then I have had a stroke :yukyukyuk:


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Yea, you been blessed. Blessings come in all sizes, shapes, colors and anytime you ask God. He knows your needs and heart.

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