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singing with Polly



Ray and I are just back from Camp Breakaway. The weather was glorious though it has just started raining here. The food, assistance and accommodation was the usual high standard. I realised how lucky we are to be able to go there. For me it is a place where I am encouraged to go for a walk, have a nap, sit in the sun and read without having to look after Ray. I am encouraged to leave Ray in the carers company, he is wheeled around, fed, showered, undresssed and put to bed. I slept in the same room and looked after him at night but through the day he was not my responsibility. For Ray it is like being among old friends. He has been going there at least twice a year for eight years. The staff are trained to look after people with disabilities and love their work, whatever happens they take it in their stride.


There were four new couples at this camp. Some of the caregivers were so weary and worn down when they arrived and laughing and smiling by the second day as they had their burdens and responsibilities temporarily lifted from them. We had some imput from couple of local providers on additional services we might be entitled to and for one woman that reduced her to tears. We all know what it feels like to be carrying an unbearable load and then find there IS help out there. No-one wants to put their survivor/cared for person into permanent care until it is absolutely neessary and any help from outside gives us a chance to have a breather and maybe go on with the job a little longer and in a lighter mood. I know how much I appreciate the three hour respite on Fridays, my ME time.


The entertainment was good as usual. The duo last night actually sang songs from the '80's not the '40's so I found myself singing along with Polly and her partner, they sang songs made popular by Elvis, Rod Stewart, Roger Whittaker, songs from my generation. The oldies didn't always know the words but enjoyed the freshness of their routine. Barry's mother confided to me that he had been in a wheelchair for 8 years after a vehicle accident so was happy to give his talents for free to bring happiness to others. What a fine attitude. Polly was pretty and sang well and looked glamourous and our menfolk enjoyed that as well.


We have a busy weekend ahead starting at 3pm today when we go down to the resort down the road and help welcome people to our Apex40 convention. There will be 150 plus visitors from all states and a small contingent from New Zealand here for the weekend. Ray and I haven't done much during the planning process but will enjoy the company, the entertainment and I am especially looking forward to the cruise on Brisbane Waters on Sunday. It is ages since I have been out on the water, something that used to be a regular part of our lives, so fingers crossed that it is fine and sunny then. The members of the Apex40 club we belong to have worked hard to make this convention a sucess so I hope it is glitch free and a wonderful time is had by all.


Our Tori is doing her first camp out with Cubs this weekend so that is another reason I am hoping it will be fine and sunny. She is looking forward to being away from her Mum and Dad overnight. She is growing again so is full of energy and a weekend of running around will do her good. The little boys will miss her though. One of the aides at Camp Breakaway has a little daughter the same age and she is also just becoming a Cub. What a wonderful experience it will be for both of them. Our kids were Cubs, Scouts and Venturers ( the boys) Guide and Venturer ( Shirley) and they learned a lot from their time in the Scouting movement. As parents we also got to camp out on the family camps and I think Ray's love of camping came from there.


And so... a happy time, a busy social life, something to look forward to...sometimes life is good.


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Guest lwisman


It is great that both you and Ray were able to get a break from routine. I am sure it was good for both of you.


You are lucky to live in a country with things like Break Away Camp. I was reading today how someone was complaining the Obama's health plan for the US might mean that Insurance Companies will loss. The comment was something like (I'm paraphrasing) a fear that medical care in this country will be rationed. It already is.


Great that Tori is spreading her wings. It is always enjoyable to see kids grow and try new things.

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I can feel your happiness through this blog. I hope and pray you have wonderful time in your convention. cruising sounds great. this summer our son for the first time is going to try 4H overnight camping. I am sure he is going to have blast.




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I can "feel" your contentment at having this well deserved breather. I'm so happy it was a success for both of you. Hope the cruise goes well and the weather cooperates.

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Sue you sound refreshed, I am so glad Mother Nature cooperated with good weather. Hope you weekend is full of fun also.


I was in the Girl Scouts,, and when my daughter also. I was an assistant scout leader and.. "cookie mom" The scouts are great for kids. Also many scout groups will help. with yard clean up or chores.. for some of their merit badges..



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