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Fixed my Blog here's how I did it



I know some other members have had problems ...... after typing I would hit Post and Boing no blog I would try to copy and paste and hit Post... Poof disappeared and the error message.. you must type a post... EEERGH YIKES>>> and other various words.


I came on line yesterday and started messing around.... if you have had your blog disappear.. here is what I did.


Go to My Blog, click on Entries then on Add entry when the text box opens on the Far right is the line with spell check (a check mark&ABC) at the end of this line are 2 swirley arrows click on the arrow it will say switch between standard and rich text editor.... it will load.... and then I could post my Blog.







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Thank you Bonnie for the explanation, but no swirley arrows. You guys will just have to continue to muddle through life without anecdotes from the adventures of the dull and mundane. Happily with you up and running we can look forward to living vicariously through you.

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Good going Bonnie. If at first you don't succeed, try try again! And you have proved that old addage right! I can't use my spellcheck or else I lose my blog so maybe I'll have to try a test like you did. Leah

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