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Dear Wesley,

Good for You!!! :You-Rock: I know you must be very proud and relieved at all the terrific progress you'v made in just a few months...it must have felt like a lifetime! I am so happy for you!.......Joy

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hey Wes:


thanks for update, sounds like you are having blast with your new normal. we would love to see your tattoos. I could never imagine you having tattoos on your body. we also have wireless network for all of our computers, & I have my own laptop which I handle badly. kido's computer stays at one place while mine goes with me in all part of our house.






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Hi, Wes,


The progress you've made in the short time since your stroke can obviously be measured in leaps and bounds--it all represents a lot of hard work, too--congratulations. :D


Your tattoo sounds intruiging! I don't have any, but my daughter has a few. When I was in rehab, I flirted with the idea of getting one (and of course my daughter was all for it), but I never went through with it. Even if I were ever to change my mind, though, I'd go for a small flower or something on my pinkie finger. I'm not that big on pain!


Keep up the good work, Wes,



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Hey there,

It was good to see a posting from you. It has been a while for me to post too, but its coming soon. WOW! It thrills me to see how quickly you have rebounded from your stroke. I know from time to time for you, it seemed like it was taking forever but as some of our friends on this site can tell you...you have made remarkable recovery. I know you are grateful but as your Mom, I am ecstatic. :thumbs up: I am really looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks.

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I have a truce with acceptance of where I am at while I work towards more. I am not there yet. But I do know that is okay. I am a rather good person and I make a loyal and trusted friend. After that really the rest is window dressing. I do really really like me. Karen

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Hey, Wesley

I really enjoy your blogs. You have a gift for expressing things in a very natural and understandable manner.


Good for you! You have made so much progress in 8 months. And, there is so much more to come although it may slow down a bit.


My younger daughter has a tatoo she got in Cancun while on vacation one year. Tatoos can express your individuality. We would love to see your new one.


My best to you.



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Glad to hear that your taste started coming back in time for Easter dinner! We all overate, too.

Mom sent me the pic of your tattoo. It's so you! But what are you gonna do when you run out of skin?

Wireless networks are wonderful... I love sitting in the living room with my laptop on my lap! It's where I am now.

Love ya!



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I have a good recovery hint for you - try using as many things as possible with your affected hand. Including brushing your teeth, brushing your hair, using the computer mouse, your fork/spoon/knife - everything you can think of. That has helped to recover my affected arm more than anything.


Good luck to you!

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