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Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!



I have discovered in recent weeks that when I fall, Paul cannot get me up. I have been home since August of '05 and I fell for the first time a couple of weeks ago on April 9.


I was taking a walk with my walker and was in my living room when my left foot failed to plant and I lost my balance. I was next to an overstuffed chair and I must have grabbed it with my right arm because I did not hit the floor very hard, However, Paul could not get me up and I couldn't help. Finally, he went next door and asked our neighbor to help. Kendal is much younger and stronger. So while Paul held my feet in place, Kendall lifted me to a standing position and I got into my wheelchair. I had no bumps or bruises for which I am thankful.


Last night, I was transferring from my electric wheelchair to my manual chair and I again lost my balance and went down. This time my left arm got hooked around the arm of the electric chair which kept me from hitting the floor and I landed in a sitting position. Once again, Paul could not get me up. He helped me scoot over to the transfer pole next to my bed, but we couldn't manage the job. So this time, he called a friend for help. Ted had me on my feet in short order.


Anyway, through all this we have decided that I need to lose weight, so I am officially on a diet. I had lost about 30# after the stroke, but I have put about 20 back on. So don't offer me any food when I come to chat. I MEAN IT!


That's my story and I'm sticking to it.






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You need one of those large round exercise balls. I use one to roll Gary to the sofa and a gait belt to raise him up, or he scoots on his butt to the stair rail and uses it to pull up as I help by pulling him up with the gait belt.





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VI, are you following in my foot steps? You know I reported a couple weeks ago that I fell for the first time in 5 years while loading my scooter in the SUV. I still don't know how.


I never could use a walker with one hand so a cane was my only choice they said. Take a second look and decide the course of action you will take...That may be safer!

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Luckily Paul was able to call in reinforcements to help you. Be careful gal ok? Initially I had to contact EMS whenever I did a plop to the floor (those firemen were cute too :rolleyes: ) Since we relocated to Pittsburgh in 2007 I have done a plop twice - the first time I was outside and my cousin and her daughter came to my rescue as I sat on my butt in the alley that runs behind our house (as I was not injured EMS were tied up on calls and I would have had to sit until the got to me). The 2nd time I was home alone and by scooting backwards on my back (with the cats curiously watching mom go by) I made it to my bedroom and was able to use furniture to get up.


Both times I felt like Candid Camera was lurking somewhere nearby and can now laugh about the escapades. The stuff we can get ourselves into :silly:

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Hi Vi, maybe you could ask the Dr for some therapy.. where they could teach Paul and you how to get you up. They ave some pretty good techniques..


good luck on the weight loss. One trick I used was to use a smalle plate . instead of the dinner size plate, use a sandwich size plate. I fnd portion control is much easier than saying the "d" (diet) word. they do have "skinny cow" ice cream pops. they also say not to watch TV when eating.. to take small bites. and think about the food and chew slowly..

drinking a glass of water or having a small bowl of soup before a meal. also drinking some water when you think you are hungry helps, sometimes you are really thirsty ... and some ice cold water will take away the hungry thoughts.






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