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Experimental Therapy - Day 5



Okay, people, Day 5 has arrived


Deep breath - halfway through after today!


I had a terrible time sleeping last night so I was a little concerned today. Bob woke up at 1:30 am and was futzing around so I thought it was time to get up. Nope, he told me - only 1:30 am, go back to sleep. It took me over 2 hours to go back to sleep. Yuck. I remember thinking 'not much time has passed so I'll just peek at the clock - 3:30 am, drat!' I think I convinced myself to relax and finally go back to sleep shortly after peeking at the clock.


Hour 1 - no help at all with foot or hip. Did you read that right? You sure did! NO HELP!! So 20 min forward at varying speed. 20 min on decline combined with ball toss to distract me to see if it is a fluke that I am concentrating so hard or if it is really taking. 20 minutes really slow with really steep incline and obstacles (pool noodles in my path). Then...THEN - flat with speed ramped up so that I started jogging. Seriously - jogging!!! I actually got an ovation :D I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't replicate the heel strike that I had gotten so good at but I DID IT!! I got pretty darn sweaty too ^_^ .


Hour 2 - outside for some work on a low bench (~6" height). Quickly putting toes on bench and switching feet up, standing on the bench while s-l-o-w-l-y lowering one leg until the heel hit the ground (2x each side), then batting around a birdie with rackets, riding a scooter (working on balance and heel strike).


Hour 3 - inside. Balance ball work - lifting one leg and holding for 30 seconds. 2x each leg. Rolling down on ball so that hips and upper back is on the ball, lifting one leg and holding for 20 seconds. 2x each leg. Sitting on balance ball and holding 3 lb weight in hands with arms straight in front of me out for 1 min. 4 times. Using exercise bike training foot to dorsiflex while on pedal.


Although Day 4 was mentally exhausting - today was physically draining. But I did it!!


Recommended Comments

Good for your Sherrie. Actual for real jogging???????? Fantastic!!!!!


In addition to being able to walk the catwalk as a super model you will also be able to run a marathon. You are an inspiration.

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Wow!! I'm so happy for you and so impressed!! That's fantastic!! Keep up the great work and you will be running those marathons again in no time at all!! Congrats!!


Even sleep deprived, you did amazing!!


I hope you have a wonderful night's sleep tonight!!

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