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Not feeling well



Today I received some blood test results. I haven't been feeling well lat month or so. Went to my GP yesterday. Blood test for Thyroid, cholesterol, Ammonia, Vit D. I still fee foggy, tired, disoriented. The tests came back good, except my Vit.D. is VERY low and my triglycerides are High. I was given a script Vit D and told to cut back on high fat foods and lose weight.

I was doing so well a couple months ago and have to get myself back there! I was outside more each day than before my stroke. I did minoryard work, like picking uyp pine cones and the never ending dog droppings. I also stasrted playing ball with my dog again. He was so happy!!!!! I also started walking to stores in my area. Usually 2 or so miles each way. The way home is difficult, I stopped one time on the way home to try to get a ride, but couldn't reach anyone, made it home walking. My new thought is getting a trike. I had done some looking after my first stroke, but I was able to get driving again soon after. This time feels different. I think physically I could drive, but I am more foggy and disoriented this time and very easily frustrated. I don't feel safe for me to drive. I would really like to, but I want to be safe. So am I good to do trike? Gotta think about that.


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hope you feel better soon. I go out for a walk atleast 4 days in a week, if its sunny my outdoor walk cheers me up.




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Hi Beth, I had an extremely low Vit D level, and I was also on a prescription vitamin D. and then a regimine of D ( I was also told if buying D.. that is not prescription to purchase the soft gels ... and not the tablets.. I find them at the vitamin store .


I hope this helps, but once my D levels started getting into more normal range, much of the fogginess went away, and I feel much better. I still have days when fatigue gets me, or my thinking is some where beyond 3 rd base. I really did notice a difference. I have also done quite a bit of reasearch on line, and Low D can be also be a factor in heart disease, strokes. I was told most people should have a Vitamin D level.. now with all the sun screens, etc. we may not be getting or metabolizing the vitamin D from sun.


the test is an OH (25) D.


Hope you are feeling better soon, Bonnie

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