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update from the north jersey shore



greetings!...omg my move from the big town was a trip and a half...now that the weather is nicer i'm coming out of hibernation...not too much is so different...i'm registered to attend john of god's 4 day healing gathering at omega in ny this september and will most probably go back to brasil to the casa as well...perhaps in july...i've connected with a couple of quality therapists down here for which i'm grateful...my pt holds a doctorate in his field specializing in neural rehab...he knows what to do to get whatever he can firing in my affected muscles...wonderful to work with the competent and effective!...my ot guy gets a slightly lower grade but he's completely adequate and works in tandem with a bioness rep on my ness h200 orthosis...this also makes my gratitude list...i needed to have my ness l300 leg orthosis tweaked as it got very untweaked (and misplaced) during the move...it's functioning again most of the time now...ahhhh when my affected heel strikes the ground before the rest of my foot it provides a delicious instant gratification tho my gait is still far from normal...i was contacted by an investigative journalist seeking patients with experience in overseas therapy...her focus is twofold: how one gets there and what happens thereafter...as some of you might imagine, i had my share of experiences to render on the record without too much prompting...this is all info so that others can make better choices before parting with tens of thousands of dollars...this reporter is truly working in the public's best interests...i've had some elevated flower beds installed on my property so that i can resume one of my passions: gardening...i find myself cooking everyday now that i have a big sit down kitchen...i include my left hand in some of these activities in ways that i never thought i could...i'll still blog from time to time just in case anyone is still reading...!!!...my very best to all, rich


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hey Rich:


after long time. Your therapists sounds like angels. I m sure having competent therapist will make huge difference in therapy. when r you inviting us in your sitdown kitchen. I still read your blogs & love to know what's happening in your life from time to time.




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Hiya Rich,


Great to hear from you. Glad to hear all contionues to go well for you. So...when are you having a dinner party to which we'll be invited????? Take care and continued wishes for recovery.

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Hi Rich , It is Good to hear from you, Glad you are moved, and sounds like settled in. I am glad to hear of the improveents. Check out the forum we have kitchen tips. and also Recips on line from members.


I have my seedlings started, and transplanted some into bigger pots today. John is going to get my raised beds up and ready this weekend. If not I may end up with cucmber, pean & bean vines. wandering out of the garden window.. and through the living room...LOL


Take care keep us posted, and so glad you will be able to garden... and raised beds ... are so much better.. :)




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You're very fortunate and blessed to have found the rare great therapists in the area and can avoid the stress of the schlep of trip up north. Good luck with your therapy, and enjoy garden, and new home on the beautiful Jersey shore.


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Hi Rich , It is Good to hear from you, Glad you are moved, and sounds like settled in. I am glad to hear of the improveents. Check out the forum we have kitchen tips. and also Recips on line from members.


I have my seedlings started, and transplanted some into bigger pots today. John is going to get my raised beds up and ready this weekend. If not I may end up with cucmber, pean & bean vines. wandering out of the garden window.. and through the living room...LOL


Take care keep us posted, and so glad you will be able to garden... and raised beds ... are so much better.. :)



bonnie, donna, asha...wonderful to see your words on my blog!...you guys can come over for a bbq any time, any day...did i read that steve is in the hospital??...best always, richxxx
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