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coloradokares Blog



Hi, This is my first shot at blogging. First let me say that I love reading the Blogs. Now if I can only rise to the occasion. We all need some help from our friends. The last few days I am been so very down hearted . Its a long story but I had long before my stoke joined a very divisive forum regading a situation close to my heart. This forum allows pretty much every thing. My life was so miserable becase of one the contributor members who does not agree with my position. Publically he would say horrible awful things about me because of my disagreement with his belief and position regarding the topic of the forum. Then I had the stroke and was gone a while when I got back he would ridicule me and say I never had a stoke I was trying to gain sympathy. I had come face to face with an internet stalker who lived to call me a liar and that I was a faker and had muncnhausen. I quit the forum totally withdrew so as to keep my saninty Logical thing. Well I heard through the grapevine he had found God and was a different person. Not so. He is worse than ever and I cannot believe I was ever so nice as to put myself in this position for all that ugliness to start over. There is nothing in the world more difficult than waking up to try to survive a near fatal stroke To have to do it with that tvpe ugliness is not possible. IE Someone telling you its all in your heard. Your faking etc Well I hate to admit it because I see this as somehow my failure. I know stay away dont go back It is so hard not to defend yourself when you are being slandered and lied about and falsely accused . What to do I cannot allow that level of depression to swallow me whole once again. What is more important defending my reputation or choosing to walk away to save myself from that toxic negativity.? I am feeling Alone and discouraged Not undertanding why evil like that is allowed in the world. Karen


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Wow, Karen! Unfortunately, there are evil and uncaring people in this world who are miserable and make the lives of others miserable. You are doing the right thing about not allowing his negativity to affect you.


You have a choice. You made a choice. You made the right choice to walk away from this individual.


Please do not feel alone as you are among caring individuals here at Stroke Net. We know you had a stroke. We understand and care.


Hope your new week is much better.

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Hi Karen: Welcome to the blog world. I didn't know what a blog was or how to do "IT" when I first posted but now just let the words come. This is where we can be honest and I really feel the strokeboard is a safe and trusting venue. I feel I am still a "newbie" being just shy of three years post-stroke. My serenity is much too precious and important to me to get muddied up in another's "issues". I know I need to step back from anything negative. I pray for God's grace in doing so. I don't think God creates evil or pain; I think He will give us the strength and courage to get through it if we ask Him. I say the serenity prayer A LOT and even have it framed next to my computer monitor. My feelings were raw after my stroke. Although a little better, I am still sensitive so I try to surround myself with kind words and kind people. Hugs from Leah :friends:

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Karen, bullying and belittling in the cyber world is as nasty and ugly as in real life. It is like the playground bullies at school, with their comments aimed at humiliating you. Stay away from it. Blog here where people like you and want to encourage you.


Congratulations on starting your blog, now set it up to share with us how you are, what you are doing, what your hopes and dreams are for the future. There is a whole world-wide audeince out here, literally as I am sitting on the eastern coastline of Australia typing this to you right now!


You have a lot going for you. All of the stroke survivors here deserve credit for what they have been through. You are no exception. Forget the negatives in life and live for the positives. You don't need to worry about what others think who do not really know you. You know how far you have come. My advice is to put the past behind you and look to the future.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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You did the right thing, I struggled with the same issues both at work and online and I can tell you that walking away makes you the winner not the looser. :) Your Health is worth more than any popularity contest! I have learned the hard way that people can be very mean and cruel when they don't understand what is going on and are not intelligent enough to find out or simply do not care enough too or if they think they know everything. I hate that when someone says "There's nothing wrong with you, or We just don't see it, thats like calling me a liar and I dont take well to that. We don't need those people in our lives, realtime or virtually. Karen I am always here for you if you need a true friend who has experienced the same. Continue to walk away and focus only on your health and family and what is truly important. :)



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Welcome to the blog community. You are totally safe here, as you are on the message board. That ignoramus from that other forum has no clue what a stroke does to an individual. I applaud you (or would if I had could get my left hand to cooperate LOL) for walking away from that jerk. No one needs that type of negativity in their life and you have shown you are the better person and have chosen to no longer feed into his negativeness.


Here, in the blog world, we get to further become acquainted with our friends - and you ARE a dear friend. Blog away dear and we will be here ready to read. Blogging is therapeutic for all (writer and reader like).

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Walk away and don't look back or go back. All through my school days I was bullied. All it ever accomplished was to instill a burning hate that took years to wipre away. People like that are just not worth the space you give them in your head rent free, Move on. Ther are thousands of forums; find one that fits. Glad t6o see you blogging. Good luck


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welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. On this site all the volunteers work hard to make this site safe & enjoyable experience for everybody. In our blogworld we are here to cheer & support each other. Now that you joined our gang we would love to know more about you through your blogwindow. I am sure you are going to enjoy your blogging experience here




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Thank you everyone so very much. My heart was so hurt. I cant remember ever intentionally trying to hurt anyone ever in my life and. I am glad I left I wont go back I have alot of friends there but not the Bully. I have to miss the good to avoid the destructive negativity. I love you all you have no idea how much I care for all of you. This forum is a place to be understood and not have jerks like that Hugs Karen

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My dear friend, You are a flower in my garden of friends here on StrokeNet. Put those "Civilians" out of your mind and take in the positive energy here. The past hurts, hangups are over, done with, gone. Just focus on the positive energy here. When people don't like me, or care for me, I have the "Duck Therapy", I just let it roll off my back. It is their loss, cuz God don't make junk. I was teased and made fun of all my life. It was hurtful, but that was then and this is now. I know my worth and I must be pretty strong as I came across the Biggest Bully, Brain Stem Stroke. I am so happy you have started blogging. It is a wonderful healing for me. I can't wait to read your story and going on's in your wonderful life. I am sorry you had to feel the pain of those people, The best thing we can do is pray for them that they will, one day, learn tolerance and how to truly love people. It's only then that there will be total peace in the world. God Bless, Congrats on your first blogging experience.

ENJOY, Hugs, Jan

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My dear friend, You are a flower in my garden of friends here on StrokeNet. Put those "Civilians" out of your mind and take in the positive energy here. The past hurts, hangups are over, done with, gone. Just focus on the positive energy here. When people don't like me, or care for me, I have the "Duck Therapy", I just let it roll off my back. It is their loss, cuz God don't make junk. I was teased and made fun of all my life. It was hurtful, but that was then and this is now. I know my worth and I must be pretty strong as I came across the Biggest Bully, Brain Stem Stroke. I am so happy you have started blogging. It is a wonderful healing for me. I can't wait to read your story and going on's in your wonderful life. I am sorry you had to feel the pain of those people, The best thing we can do is pray for them that they will, one day, learn tolerance and how to truly love people. It's only then that there will be total peace in the world. God Bless, Congrats on your first blogging experience.

ENJOY, Hugs, Jan



You are so right. It isnt even really me he disliked It was the position of my belief in who may have commited a famous murder here in Colorado I lived very close to where the murder occored and well ....as you say that was then this is now Me and my cotinued progress in stoke recovery is..... the most important thing. Hugs Jan.

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You more than rose to the occasion, Karen, great start!


I was sorry to read that you were so badly hurt, but glad to know you feel free to begin trusting again--and you picked the right place!


Keep 'em coming!



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