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Enjoy your garden dear lady! Bet it's gorgeous.


As to the wheelchair anxieties; I understand. Try as we might, we may never get to the pre-stroke days of zipping around like energizer bunnies. In our dreams we still can and those days are a part of fond memories. Do I like that I can't zip around? Heck NO but it is better than the alternative and all could be worse for us. When I must use my wheelchair, I try to get it through my thick skull that it is for safety reasons. In a store for instance, if people are rushing, kids are running it's easy for us to knocked into. I don't know about others, if I get bumped, this Weeble topples over.


I'm sure your story will come together for you. I sincerely hope too that it will allow you the opportunity to move further along in your recovery emotionally.


I'm sure blessed that you made it through all of it - my life has been further enriched getting to know you.



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Hugs back @ you Donna. You have been a big inspiration for me. It is so wonderful to know that we are not alone. Tonight I kinda felt like it and was sad but when I saw your reply it gave me a BIG life and put me right back to where I need to be...in the moment.



Enjoy your garden dear lady! Bet it's gorgeous.


As to the wheelchair anxieties; I understand. Try as we might, we may never get to the pre-stroke days of zipping around like energizer bunnies. In our dreams we still can and those days are a part of fond memories. Do I like that I can't zip around? Heck NO but it is better than the alternative and all could be worse for us. When I must use my wheelchair, I try to get it through my thick skull that it is for safety reasons. In a store for instance, if people are rushing, kids are running it's easy for us to knocked into. I don't know about others, if I get bumped, this Weeble topples over.


I'm sure your story will come together for you. I sincerely hope too that it will allow you the opportunity to move further along in your recovery emotionally.


I'm sure blessed that you made it through all of it - my life has been further enriched getting to know you.




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Your garden sounds wonderful! Isn't this time of year just the best??? The beauty of Spring is that it can also be a time of renewal for us, too.


The vacation spot sounds great. I hope you are able to go. The swine flu is a big concern worldwide.

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Your garden sounds similar to what I am trying to achieve. Where you dont have to replant every year. My Columbine are up and my Lillies and so much This year I have added Clematis Add a couple hanging pots we are good to go. We are seriously looking to becoming Snow Birds . The winters here add so much to the pain level. I am so ready for the boat. Hugs Leah Enjoy Gods Garden Karen

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hey Leah:


I agree 100% with Donna. nobody like to be in wheelchair, but better safe than sorry. your God's garden sounds beautiful, just reading about it gives me peace, I bet you will get lot out of it sitting & reading in it. by the time you are ready for ur vacation swine flu might be in control, who knows what tomorrow might bring.




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