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Busy Week



Last weekend my daughter had some of her jewelry shown at a show. She entered a bunch, 3 pieces were selected, 2 of those won awards!! Last month she was invited to a fashion show to display her designs. She arranged the models, did all the stuff. Went very well. Got a call from a place in NYC to do an internship. She called THIS MORNING to say she needed a ticket to LaGuardia on Sunday, to be there Monday. Thank God for airline miles. She has a friend that lives there, so she'll be OK.


Oldest son left for chiropractist (sp) school this morning. Won't see him again until Aug at the earliest.


Sam and I were out fishing yesterday and today. Did pretty well. Got into a bunch of crappies. 30 yesterday, 24 today. That is some GOOD eating. She just likes them baked, so it's also pretty healthy.


Had a strange thing happen today. Got to the lake and there were a bunch of people standing around the ramp. Guy launched his jet-ski and his truck rolled into the water and they couldn't find it!! I put in and ran the depth finder and found it. It was 40' from the bank in 12' of water. I tossed out a marker, took a guy out and he dove in and hooked up a tow chain from a wrecker. They pulled up an '09 Chevy Silverado crew cab. OUCH!! That's gonna be expensive!


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I've seen a lot of people launch boats from boat ramps but never one quite as you describe it. I've seen a lot of arguments, boats slipping sideways, some floating away! Ray was with Fisheries and Wildlife for 14 years so I spent a lot of time sitting on shore with the kids waiting for daddy to come in, so that's where I get my expertise...lol.


Congratulate your daughter on her success, no getting away from it you are a talented family. Congratulations to you and Sam on your fishing prowess too, 30 fish yesterday, 24 today is a good bag for sure.



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Congrats to your daughter and best of luck to your son. Very talented family you have. You and Sam are having some great fishing. Hope that truck owner has good insurance - talk about expensive. If someone caught the escapade on video, it might appear on television or youtube :laughbounce:

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hey sktlwsk:


congrats to your kids, you both have raised them well. seems like another great season of fishing this year too.




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