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Some Days are Better Than Others

Wesley H.


Look; I admit that I have accepted the way I am these days. But some days are better than others. Today is not so good, and I got a little frustrated. I drove to Target to pick up a few Mother's Day cards and a gift for Deb. I had a hard time openig the cards to read what was on the inside because I couldn't grasp the card in my left hand. I finnaly selected a few cards and moved on. I was looking at DVD's while holding the cards in my right hand. I wanted look at the back of the package. I had been able to take it off of the shelf with my left hand; but in the process of trying to turn it over I dropped it on the floor. I tryed unsuccessfully to pick it up with my left hand, but couldn't do it. wile trying to pick it up the cards slipped out of my hand and went to the floor to keep the DVD company. So, now I had cards and a DVD at my feet. I bent over to pick them up and, have you ever tried to pick up a dime from off the floor? That's where I was!


After sliding the cards towards my foot I was able to pick them up, but I left the DVD on the floor and went to the check out line. I paid for my items and took two steps towards the exit when my cell phone slid out of its holder; hit the floor and the battery cover flew off along with the battery and bounced along the floor. I'm holding the shopping bag with my good hand and trying to scoop up cell phone parts off of the floor. Finally I turned around and set my shopping bag on the check out counter and picked my phone up from the floor. Now came the challenge of re-installing the battery and putting the cover back on with one hand.one the first attempt I had the battery backwards so it wouldn't go in. I got it turned around and properly placed in the phone then, clumsily, I snapped the cover in its place.


I left the store and got into my truck. I could not get my middle and index fingers to wrap around the emergency brake handle; so using my left foot; I positioned my shoe behind the emergency brake Tee handle and pulled my foot towards me releasing the brake. I drove home, went in the house, and now I'm typing this entry with one hand, misspelling every other word and continually hitting the "Caps Lock" key every time I try to depress the "a" key. "Depress". There's a good word for this. You don't know this; but in typing the last sentence; I inadvertedly inserted it into the middle of the paragraph. Vacation just can't get here soon enough!


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oh Wesley what a frustrating experience. I'm sorry for you and can identify. But I certainly give you an A for the effort in getting Deb Mother's Day cards. I am sure she will appreciate it. Unfortunately our spouses can never feel the frustration we go through because of our loss of control. I made a card for my mother-in-law this year. Printed a picture of a flower I took in our garden, wrote on the inside and that was that. I am learning to make things easier for me and learn to pick my battles. Bless you. Leah

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Vacation, here comes Wesley! You are on the down side until this upcoming event. I would like to say, "hang in there, it can't get any worse," but I know that it can.


Hope Deb has a great mother's day and your mom, too.

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I should have read this before I called you! [ha] I know it had to be frustrating but if your re-think it with a sense of humor, you will have to smile and even marvel at you perseverance. You won the battle in spite of it! Some days just do NOT go well! Maybe I should bring you a card program for your PC. Its fun to do those and you don't drop them in public! Happy Mothers day to Deb!


I Love you



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hey Wes:


for me I can't even open fist of my left hand so I am used to dealing everything single handedly. luckily my teeth r picking up the slack & I am adapting to my new lifestyle. your perservence will help left hand to pick up the slack soon




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One day you will laugh at this scenario. You hung in there, on your own, and succeeded! Good for you!!


Happy Mom's Day to Deb and your Mom

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Definitely not a fun shopping trip! I'm wondering if you extended the middle finger of your right hand to flip off the left?

After reading this, I guarantee those cards are gonna be the most special ever simply because of the effort it took.

Love you bunches!!!



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Hi Wes,

It sure lookes like you had a bad day that day. But look on the bright side of things. You got through it. I know if I had been in the store I would have helped you out. I can't belive nobody helped you out. :Clap-Hands:

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