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I believe in miracles!!!



It has been a three week miracle! For the past three weeks Dick has shown no signs of dementia. How is that possible unless it is a miracle? It has been a time of joy for us both. A time I never expected. His mind has been clearer than it has been in years and his physical improvements are beyond anything he has had since his original strokes four years ago.


He has started to become a bit less cheerful than he was at the beginning of this miracle but I will allow him that since I am usually the unhappy camper. And since being less cheerful is a normal response I am unwilling to think that the dementia is causing it this time. Maybe I am choosing to be blind but I don


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Ruth, you enjoy your miracle! Make the most of every moment of Dick's mental rehabilitation. If it lasts that is wonderful, if not you have had those magic moments. And the freeedom to escape to the shops alone and to know that Dick has gone outside of his own initiative, how good is that! I usually tell Ray it is time to go outside but sometimes I look around and he is walking towards the door with his word puzzle book under one arm and I think "GREAT"!


Here now doctors have to eliminate infections that cause confusion and do multiple mental tests before they can diagnose dementia. They also can change medications if they think there is a conflict and order anti-dpressants and treatment for vitamin D deficincy. So sometimes there can be a form of confusion and irritability that mimics dementia, it can be a medical rather than a mental problem.


Ray has times when he sinks into a poor way of handling life and I worry that it will be permanent but something comes along and he snaps out of it again. I think it is partly boredom and partly a lack of energy which causes him to take the easy way out. I find it is like him just sitting in the chair all day is easier for him than doing his exercises but doing the exercises seems to make him walk better, improve his posture etc.


I am glad Dick is back on the computer playing strategy games, that he is using the farming game to stimuate his brain and regain some interest in life. And that you have been able to join him in a shared inteerest again.


Have a grest week.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Enjoy it! Dick's interest on the computer is wonderful. I am praying it lasts for a considerable amount of time. Yes, there really are miracles.

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Ruth: I think it is wonderful Dick has experienced happy and fun and joyful moments. It is a blessing you were able to get out for a bit and enjoy the peace and joy of going out to places you haven't had the opportunity to do for such a long time. You put yourself on the list and God was there all along making sure everyone was alright. Your daughters are such angels aren't they and helpful. Yes, You had many blessings that day and I am sure there will be more to come. Just Believe In Miracles And SOAR.

Beautiful Blog entry Ruth. I am keeping you all in my prayers. I know my hubby is my Caregiver and I know how tired he gets.

Caregivers are our angels sent from heaven to take care of us.

Hugs, Jan

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