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I'm Gardening with my Lil Grand Daughter



Well I haven't blogged since 15 Mar so here is my latest claim to fame...My grand daughter wanted to grow something since her school was making this a big project prior to the end of the school year. We planted Flowers and Vegetables. She was excited, we planted tomatoes seeds first. She made the hole with her finger to put in the two seeds and covered them up. The next day she asked if the tomatoes was ready yet. Evert day she asked!


Finally the stem came up out of the ground, then finally cherry tomatoes. she was ecstatic and scared to pull one off the stem. So I pulled them off and put them in a cup for her to take to school for "Show and Tell". Then we planted more veggies and flowers.


All are showing signs of survival from two non farmers, thanks to Miracle grow. We got watermelons, cantaloupes, big tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and many types of flowers in our little 8 by 8 foot garden in the back yard. She can water pretty good these days without washing the seeds right out the grown. She has her gloves, water can, kneeling pad and a carry cart/bucket.


Her mom can not tell her she can't grow food to eat. Now I gotta find out how to make pickles from our cucumbers.. Well that's all the excitement for awhile. I hope she gets interested in something else for next year, I need rest.


Oh, I forgot, I planted two peach trees too. Walmart had them for two cent each so if they don't make it I will not have lost too much money. Next year we may have peaches to eat. We may try a few more plantings later this month if she is still interested in planting. She'll be five years old in August and she graduates on the 29Th from kindergarten.


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That is so sweet, Fred! I can almost picture your granddaughter--the excitement of little ones is so adorable and infectious, isn't it? She's got all of her equipment and is "good to go" for being a little farmer!


My older sister used to make the most fabulous pickles from cucumbers (cherry tomatoes, too, come to think of it!). Yummy, you've reminded me to get after her to make more, she's become a slacker. :D


Good luck with your peach trees, too, Grandpa!



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hey Fred:


such a great way to spend time with your grand daughter. I am sure she would love to show & tell about her grandpa in school too. you gave me good project to do with my future grandkids. enjoy your time with your miss sunshine.




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How enjoyable! I can imagine your grandaughter's enthsiasm when the plants began sticking their necks out of the dirt. She will remember always working with grandpa to "grow a garden."



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Sounds like you enjoyed the gardening with the granddaughter as much as she enjoyed the time with Gpa. I hope all of your veggies do well and you can enjoy eating them together. I just planted about a dozen hills of zucchini squash and can't wait till they're big enough to pick. I have a whole cookbook of recipes to use them in. I used to can pickles every year when the boys were all at home, but we don't eat enough of them now to make it worth canning.





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Thanks to all of you for the kind comments. I hope to get results from our little garden this year to decide if we can repeat next year or not. I hope all her excitement isn't lost in the next few months.

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