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When does it end????

Cindy J


Hello everyone. I wood like to ask when it ends. I am 3-4 months into this, wheelchair bond, left leg no feeling, left hand ify and speek bad, but my problum is between my mother, and the rest pf my famly, an I know they are tring to help, they won't let me try anything. I have asked and yelled, demaned and nothing is working. Now I have to be pushed everywere becuz of my shulders giving out. What do I do??????


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hey cindy:


welcome to our wonderful blog world community. stroke recovery journey is slow & long process & every stroke is different from others. Though things come back in leaps & bounds first few years than it slows down to snails's pace. Important thing in the begining is to get as much therapy as much possible & try to get maximum out of your recovery. Try to be as independent as you can be. I know in the begining whole family rallies up, but later on it will be only very close family & you. so try to be as independent as possible. I too was paralysed on my left side though I worked very hard to get out of wheelchair & my independence. I have come quite far in my recovery. I walk everywhere without any assistance, I still can't use my left hand yet but that has not made me stop living my life to fullest.




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hey cindy:


welcome to our wonderful blog world community. stroke recovery journey is slow & long process & every stroke is different from others. Though things come back in leaps & bounds first few years than it slows down to snails's pace. Important thing in the begining is to get as much therapy as much possible & try to get maximum out of your recovery. Try to be as independent as you can be. I know in the begining whole family rallies up, but later on it will be only very close family & you. so try to be as independent as possible. I too was paralysed on my left side though I worked very hard to get out of wheelchair & my independence. I have come quite far in my recovery. I walk everywhere without any assistance, I still can't use my left hand yet but that has not made me stop living my life to fullest.




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Hey Asha, I do try to do it myselv but my family wants to run and do it for me. I am going to therapy, but becuz of my sholders they have to stop for a wile, but it will get better. Thanks for the confidense to do it.



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Hi Cindy and welcome to the blog community! As Asha stated the road to recovery is so different for each of us. Your family could be "over-protective" of you as they are scared that something else will happen to you. When stroke first met up with me, my daughter (she was 12 then) and I were living 2400 miles away from most of our family. As it was just her and I, I did not really experience that watchfulness that you are. As I singe Mom I had to push myself hard in my recovery so I could be independent versus having to go to a nursing facility.


I hope your shoulder improves so you can return to your therapy. For me, I still have to remain cautious as my good side has taken the brunt of 4 years recovery and adapting for my affected side.

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Hey dstraugh, yeah they are over-protective, well my mom is. My daughter is 21 and married, and my yongest, my son is 18 and in 2 weeks graduwating from high scool, and has his ohn life to liv. I am exsited about that. I am sur my shoulder will improves so therapy can continu. Thank you for the kind words.

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Cindy welcome to our blog world. We are all hear to support you in you ups and downs. Mom is only being a mom and since you are a mom you know it is only your mom showing how much she loves and cares for you. You wanted advise: have a real heart to heart talk with mom when the time is appropriate. Let her tell you how she is feeling and you tell her how you are feeling. Then give each other a big hug, you both deserve it. remembertolaugh, jeanniebean :whack:

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Hi there Cindy: So happy you have joined us. We will share our experience, strength and hope with you and we will learn from you. I stroked November 2003. I am a Brain Stem Stroke Survivor and I was in a coma and on life support. When I came out of the coma, I awoke to me being one hundred per cent paralyzed. Therefore, as ou can imagine, my hubby freaked out BIG time. He doesn't want me to try to do anything for myself, and now years later, I hear you need to do more for yourself, it is never easy for us. I am trying to do more for myself, I had some firsts last week and it felt great. I am wheelchair bound myself, and I hate it. I am trying to walk more and more and I just keep trying. Keep up the good work and Believe In Miracles and SOAR, There's nothing to it but to do it. I know you can, you have us behind you. God Bless, Hugs, Jan
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