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Lots of stuff happening lately...


I have been doing really well on my exercise schedule & even added to it! I am doing the Couch to 5k program (www.coolrunning.com under the Training tab and the Beginners section). Bob & I either bike or drive to the high school track and do the walk/jog alternation for about 20-30 minutes. The weather is starting to cooperate better and when it is warmer, the heat helps warm my muscles. The cool/cold weather makes me a miserable walker/jogger!




Bob & I bought a house here in VA! It is a foreclosure that is in pretty good shape (we will have the inspection done tonight) and we got it below market value which is always good. I'm pretty excited about it - I can't wait to move in and actually unpack *all* of the boxes. I have had boxes not only lining my closet but also stuffed in our extra room for the last 7 months and it is a pain.




I gave blood yesterday at the blood drive here on center. What a mess that was. First, I had the most incompetent person taking my information. I had to spell everything 3 or 4 times (even easy words like Clair and Circle). I wanted to strangle her by the end of the intake portion and when they took my BP, I thought for sure that it would be sky high because I was so bugged. Instead it was 98/64 which is really low for me. After I sat in the chair for the blood draw, the phlebotomist stuck the needle in sooo s-l-o-w-l-y that it burned. I finally told her to hurry up and just stick the darn thing in already. I squeezed that stinking ball continuously so that I could just get the heck out of there. I filled it faster than I ever have before (~6 minutes) and as she pinched off the tube, I told her that I feel light headed and a little faint. She didn't really seem to care and told me to cough (no tipping my chair back or juice or anything). I was too weak at that point to try to cough and just fainted dead away. I fainted so long that I was actually dreaming. Someone was tapping on my arm to wake me up and I was annoyed that someone was interrupting my dream :giggle: I may have even given the nice guy the hairy eyeball. Then I was looking around & 5 people were surrounding me, they had erected a screen (so that no one else would see the drama), and were fanning me. I must have been out for quite awhile (usually, I get horizontal [mostly by falling to the ground] and blood rushing to my head and I wake up within seconds). Stupid lady - next time she'll believe me!


After consuming 3 small cups of ginger ale and a donut (no cookies!!! what a rip off!), I felt good enough to walk to my office. After sitting down for about 15 minutes, all of the ginger ale and donut and some of my lunch ended up in my trash can. I've never not been able to make it to the restroom when I felt nauseous. I had a good breakfast & lunch and still fainted and puked. What a terrible day! I slowly packed everything up and drove home (I had the only car, so Bob couldn't exactly come get me). I couldn't even drink water at home because my stomach felt terrible.


Today is much better!


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hey Sherri:


I hope you are feeling better. Congratulations on buying house & also doing all exercises.




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OMG - what idiots - first the one that couldn't spell "circle" and then the one with the ineptitude at venapuncture and not helping you to slowly recover!! :Argh:


Wow - with BP that low, of course you fainted! I'm not sure if they should have taken any blood from you with such low BP to begin with! :BashHead:


I hope you're feeling better today!


Congrats on the house and getting a great deal!! Yay for you and Bob!! :happydance:



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It sounds like continued progress with your exercise program. You go!


The house in VA sounds wonderful. And, to boot, a great value.


What a day in giving blood. I am glad you are feeling better.


Have a great holiday weekend.

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You've been quite busy dear. Never a dull moment for you for sure. Glad your day was better. Your new home sounds terrific.

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