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Morning Glory




Opening at the break of day

Her beauty steals your breath away

Bright purple trumpets seem to say

"Enjoy me for I'm here today"

The Day rolls on eyes turn away

No one sees her fade to gray

She bows her wrinkled head to pray

"Thank you Lord I'm here today"

Still shriveled she clings to the vine

She knows that she is past her prime

But there's a seed pod down the line

There will be a new day

She marks the grave to remind you

It's only temporary

This isn't where your loved one stays

She reminds you that

You're here today.

Lisa 2008


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That is absolutely beautiful! Your talent for writing poetry is phenomenal!


Thank you for sharing this with everyone.



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hey Lisa:


welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. though you came in with style with beautiful poem.






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Hi Lisa,


Sorry for this additional comment but I just wanted to make sure that everyone else realizes that there's another entry to your blog that you wrote earlier today. I wouldn't want them to miss it. Since you've been here longer than I have, I originally thought that the first entry was something you might have written quite some time ago, and I found out when I checked that that wasn't the case!



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That is absolutely beautiful! Your talent for writing poetry is phenomenal!


Thank you for sharing this with everyone.





Thanks you are so kind:)



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Hi Lisa,


Sorry for this additional comment but I just wanted to make sure that everyone else realizes that there's another entry to your blog that you wrote earlier today. I wouldn't want them to miss it. Since you've been here longer than I have, I originally thought that the first entry was something you might have written quite some time ago, and I found out when I checked that that wasn't the case!





I double posted :big_grin: I just started my blog today. The poem was submitted earlier to the strokenetwork newletter so I just posted it here because I thought it might be double posted if I put it in the inspiration section?

I haven't been on for awhile. Life gets so busy and it slowed down for me a little this weekend so I had a strokenetwork marathon. I love your comments post as much as you want :forgive_me?:

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hey Lisa:


welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. though you came in with style with beautiful poem.







Thanks for the warm welcome and the nice comment :big_grin:

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Beautiful poem Lisa. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.


You are welcome. Thanks for reading it :forgive_me?:

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Since you told me I could :roflmao: ............................


About you doing PT three times a day. Is there a possibility that, because you're understandably anxious to get better, you're driving yourself too hard? I'm wondering if you could allow yourself to back off a little.


I don't know what everyone else experienced in Rehab, but I remember that I was down at the gym (weekdays) twice a day, and they weren't always strenuous sessions, either. If I was especially tired, they had me back off because it isn't good to get to the "exhausted extreme". On weekends, I only had "formal" PT once a day,and on those days I practiced various exercises in my room once or twice (depending on my energy level) I don't receive much formal PT anymore. I still exercise but I think it's important to listen to your body. I'd say that on days in which you know there are things you'll need to have extra energy for your daughters, in-laws, etc. to by all means back off some. We're back to this tightrope again, but I don't know that it has to be an either/or situation.


Just my 2 cents--keep the change. ;)



It's very nice to hear from you. I can tell you really get it and I can't describe what a gift that is.

It is embarrasing how easy my PT would look to anyone else. There are only 8 exercises 6 1-2 X per day but the head turns are 3Xs per day. You described exactly what my PT said no head turns PT 1 hour before driving and do less on days I have to do more. It is just too easy to get out of the habit when they make me feel so bad.

I just need to do it! It is the repetitive PT that is my only chance to retrain my brain. I was thinking of using the blog as an accountablity journal at some point?

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:welcome: to the world of blogging. Your post was beautiful, I just love flowers and what they represent to me. I remember you from the newsletter. You are very blessed with such a gift/talent from God. Thank you for sharing with us. So, write on and I shall be one of your fans and read, read, read, read. Hugs, Jan

Believe In Miracles and SOAR

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Only suggestion is: please when you post, could you use a larger font, it is hard to read the words.... I have major problems with my site from the Brain Stem Stroke, Thanks. Hugs, Jan
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Thank you so much for your kind words Jan:) I clicked on the size to make it bigger but it wasn't responding. I fixed it with html code now. I know how that is I have problems with text to especailly moving text. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read.

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