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Time Slips Away



Time Slips Away


Ever notice how time slips away?? I went back to the site looking at some of the entries and then looked to see the last date I had posted anything. I was surprised to see that it had been over a month. Then it occurred to me how quickly the months and years have passed for me too! Not just these past twelve months but as I look at my children and see the adults they


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Hi there stranger! Yes, time does go speeding by huh. Why does it seem too that the older we get the further it flies? For me, it seems that since I have learned post stroke to appreciate each day, the days just motor on bye so much faster.


I'm so glad you had a great visit with Wes and Debbie - that's super. even after 4 years, my family will see improvements in me as we don't see each other on a weekly or monthly basis. Toe comments do help to forge ahead. Just think how much more improvement you will see the next time you see Wes - that's super he is doing so well.

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I had a tear in my eye after reading your post (and it was a "positive" tear). I read it once and then reread it again slowly. Life is precious and it is amazing how strong we can become after an illness, death of a loved one, and etc. I like how you expressed it.


I am so happy you were able to spend time with Wes & Debbie. I have missed reading his posts but know that when he does post it will bring a smile to my face. He must have inherited a bit of his written expression from his mom.


I'm an Ohio neighbor and understand about your ice storm. It was definitely a freaky period.

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Naomi, you are so right, time goes so fast. I spent some time here tonight comparing my blogs for the months of May and June from 2006 - 2009 amazing the ups and downs of life. For my life the highlights are parties, BBQs and adventures with the kids and grandkids. I had my two grandsons today for four hours, it's tiring but I just love to see those little eyes glow.


I love to remember the trips Ray and I have had up north to visit our daughter and her family,those blogs have many real precious moments listed there. I just had a very happy week in Cairns with them all. I am so glad you were able to go down and visit with Wes and Debbie, it would have been good for all of you. I am pleased you were inspired to come on here and shared your story with us.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Hi there stranger! Yes, time does go speeding by huh. Why does it seem too that the older we get the further it flies? For me, it seems that since I have learned post stroke to appreciate each day, the days just motor on bye so much faster.


I'm so glad you had a great visit with Wes and Debbie - that's super. even after 4 years, my family will see improvements in me as we don't see each other on a weekly or monthly basis. Toe comments do help to forge ahead. Just think how much more improvement you will see the next time you see Wes - that's super he is doing so well.


I know what you mean about being more appreciative now that before. Since my husband had the fatal stroke on July 5th, Daughter bitten by a brown recluse spider the end of July and then my son having his stroke on August 29th...You better know I am more aware of my loved ones. I appreciate the time spent with them in a different way than before too! We have always been a very close unit but even more so now! Perhaps we all realize life is so fragile, uncertain and goes by so quickly, we need to take advantage of what we share at the moment! I know my visit did me a world of good and I think it was good for all of us!

Take care! Thank you for your comment!

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Naomi, you are so right, time goes so fast. I spent some time here tonight comparing my blogs for the months of May and June from 2006 - 2009 amazing the ups and downs of life. For my life the highlights are parties, BBQs and adventures with the kids and grandkids. I had my two grandsons today for four hours, it's tiring but I just love to see those little eyes glow.


I love to remember the trips Ray and I have had up north to visit our daughter and her family,those blogs have many real precious moments listed there. I just had a very happy week in Cairns with them all. I am so glad you were able to go down and visit with Wes and Debbie, it would have been good for all of you. I am pleased you were inspired to come on here and shared your story with us.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.


Like you, I have been recalling the many trips my husband, Wes and I took across country with the kids, the camping trips, picnics, back yard BBQ's, family reunions etc. and they meant a lot to me at the time but little did I realize how precious those memories would be at this stage of my life. I am so thankful for the time I got to spend with my son and Deb. Sabrina too, even if it was for just a few days. It was wonderful to see the progress he has made. I feel so blessed!

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I had a tear in my eye after reading your post (and it was a "positive" tear). I read it once and then reread it again slowly. Life is precious and it is amazing how strong we can become after an illness, death of a loved one, and etc. I like how you expressed it.


I am so happy you were able to spend time with Wes & Debbie. I have missed reading his posts but know that when he does post it will bring a smile to my face. He must have inherited a bit of his written expression from his mom.


I'm an Ohio neighbor and understand about your ice storm. It was definitely a freaky period.



Thank you for your comment and the reference to my expression. I am so blessed in spite of the challenges in life. I am so grateful for all my four children and the adults they have become. But this past year has served to remind me just how much I have to Thank God for! Wes is the only one of the four that I don't get to see on a regular basis but we talk on the phone almost daily. I am surrounded by family and a wonderful church family too!

We are all experiencing life and growing stronger with each new challenge!


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hey Naomi:


as usual loved your entry full of wisdom. I love what you said you will take it what you have it & make it something else just as beautiful but different. I know prestroke I was so immature, post stroke I have realized that I am still me just little different. I love your writing & I bet it runs in family all of you can express so well.




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