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I started working on Tuesday. I was nervous at first but the people I work with are really nice. One of my employees is disabled too. I don't want to pass judgement and I haven't built up the nerve to ask him what happend but just from observation, he has a speech impediment. It takes him a long time to get his words out and he talks loud. He also can only drink from a straw and I notice he can't straighten his fingers out and has little control of his ankles when he walks. Hopefully one day soon we will get the chance to share stories. But as I was saying, I like the job. I even have my own office and phone number. :) The office I work for counsels civilians when they feel like they are being discriminated against or sexually harassed on the job primarily individuals with disabilities, women, and minorities. We also educate supervisors about how to avoid discrimination and help individuals with disabilities get accomodations on the job. So I never have to worry about being discriminated because of my disability and they have already ordered the one-handed keyboard for me to try out. :) In an effort to promote diversity, yesterday we had an Asian Pacific American Awareness Heritage event. It was a lot of fun. I seen hawaiian dancers, tahitian dancers, and even samoan dancers. I had a great time. Now I am exhausted though! As if a 32 hour work week wasn't enough, I had to get up at 6am this morning to go out of town for a state meeting for one of the clubs Im in. I am trying to rest some before Monday though. For some reason I am having problems using the bathroom again so please pray for me.

As promised I have the prom picture


I think Im going to take a nap now.


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What a blessing to have secured a job helping others and finding an employer who is willing to accommodate you as well. You are stunning in your prom dress, thank you for sharing. I will keep you prayer :console:

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hey Katrina:


congratulations on starting new job. you are busybee with work & all other activities & life. you both together make handsome couple.




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Katrina sweetie first of al gorgeous picture! You just had to be one of the most beautiful gals there I bet. You make a sweet couple.


Fantastic news on how great your job is going. What a terrific experience for you. Once again, Auntie Donna is very very proud of you.



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Guest Hostjoy



You are a gorgeous girl!!! Your date is also a nice looking young man and I'll bet he was proud to have you on his arm!! I hope you had a spectacular time!!! Also congrats on the new job....it sounds wonderful! Remember what I told you not long ago? You are proving me right.....you are going to go far young lady!! Love and hugs.........Joy

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