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I just noticed the date since my last blog entry and it has been five months since I last posted any thoughts. That in itself isn't so surprising to me since I have never been good at sharing my thoughts - even with myself in a diary. I remember thinking when I got that diary as a teenager how much trouble I'd get in if anybody saw some of the thoughts that crossed my mind! Needless to say those thoughts never saw the pages of that diary.


Tonight I find myself in Michigan writing this blog with three guys sitting on the couch across from me ... watching the basketball playoffs between Cleveland and Orlando. Matt is sharing the finer points of free throw shooting with nine year old Jeffrey...Little does Jeff know free throws were not Matt's strong suit during his illustrious high school basketball career. Jacob is fretting over his upcoming basketball camp. Ah the angst of a 14 year old when faces with the challenge of trying out for the basketball team. Matt is such a good dad though. He jut encourages those boys so much. Some may think I'm biased, but I would dare anyone to disagree with me on this point. I'm in awe.


This is the first time I've been away from Bill since he had his strokes. I think this speaks to two facts. First, Bill is doing well physically and emotionally right now. Of course his memory is not improved. His cognitive skills are certainly compromised. However, all in all he is doing well. I used the strategy so many suggested I use in preparing for this trip. I didn't tell Bill until last Monday that I would be coming to Michigan for a visit. Not only would it have increased his stress, it would have increased mine as well. It was very, very hard for me to not give in to his response and just stay in Greensboro. However, I had a great support system telling me I needed this time and I HAD to go. Our dear friend, who is also his caregiver twice a week so I can get out, insisted that I do this to take care of me. And so I bravely encouraged Bill that all would be fine. To me I sounded as though I didn't care...but I finally admitted to myself that my precious husband has always been very good at "controlling" his circumstances! There are some things that never do change!!!


The day before I left Bill asked me, "do you need to get away from me?" How's that for throwing a guilt trip on the old caregiver? The night before I left we were lying in bed and he said "are you mad at me?" Oh boy...so he's gone from thinking I am running away from him to I'm mad at him. I told Bill I knew of caregivers who had two weeks a year for respite and it is just a fact of life that I have been in real need of just a few days to regain some physical and emotional health.


One of the greatest benefits to me so far is that I am feeling like myself. It is such fun to feel young again. Don't get me wrong, when I had to resort to asking Matt for a stool to get into his truck I didn't feel particularly young. However, I remembered I'd always needed running boards to get up into a 4 x 4 150 super cab truck, so why should I think I wouldn't need a boost now? Then I even tried to make a basket when they guys were outside shooting a few hoops after dinner. Of course, I wasn't successful, but then I never have been able to shoot a basketball to save my life.


I have called Bill several times over the past two days. He sounds good and he isn't trying to put me on a guilt trip anymore. Tina is keeping him busy so I bet he'll really want to sleep when I get home. Of course, that is one thing he does really well anyway! I imagine about Monday though I'll have to toughen up again but then I'll be able to tell him I'll be home in just a couple of days.


Today Grandma took the grandsons shopping. I sent Jeff an e-card for his birthday and promised we'd go birthday shopping when I got here. Since Jake is going to be a graduate I used that as my excuse to give him some money so he could go shopping. So, tomorrow we will visit my folks' graves for a bit...something very important to me. Tuesday evening Jacob will graduate from Middle School. I'm so excited that I can be here for that special event.


So far I can't think of a thing I would change about this week-end. Maybe that's the blessing of not having lots of expectations. I've come to just spend time with my family and that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm being very spoiled because Matt isn't letting me do anything. He has told me I'm here to rest!


For all you caregivers out there who are in need of a short time of respite, believe me, it doesn't necessarily take a week to recharge. I am feeling better after two days. I must admit I'm glad I've got a few more days here but taking this time for me doesn't mean I don't want to go back, it means I will feel better when I get back. For all those survivors out there, we caregivers love you and want to do our very best for you. We will do so better when we are rested and refueled. We know nobody can care for you better than we can and it isn't easy to leave you in someone else's care. That is the most scary thing for us to do, but we do it so we can be better at what we do.


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hey Ann:


thanks for update. respite or vaation is good for everyody. it breaks monotony of life & recharges you back. I always get amazed by how much some of you caregivers are doing for your survivors. you & Sue's blogs inspires me to do for myself & be less dependent on my hubby.




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Good Morning,


I hope you are seeing the same beautiful sunrise as I am since you are donwn the road and around the corner in Michign with me, :)

I am so happy that you are able to visit with your son and grandsons... enjoy relax, rest and laugh.


hugs Anne

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I am so happy for you that you are finally taking some time for yourself. I know how difficult it is to find reliable help to do your job when you're away, and am so glad you have someone you can trust to care for Bill. You need to get away more often, but I also know that's easier said than done.





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Enjoy your time away dear lady as you truly deserve this "Ann" time. I know you would not have gone if Bill was not doing well or was not going to have great care while you were away.


Enjoy your time and thank you for updating us - 5 months huh? Time flies when you're so busy.

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No one has earned and deserves it more than you. Glad you're enjoying it.

You did really think that the same brain that can still clear the crowd in one fell swoop was going to let you escape unnoticed. As you again see you can never underestimate your precious husband's ability to "control his circumstances" and know what's important to him. More than simply his caregiver, he pays close attention to his loving, beautiful wife at all times.


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I am so HAPPY for you GF :) I am glad you will be there for Jake's graduation.. I know it is really special for him to have his Grandma there :)


Good to hear you are getting pampered also. I hope you are getting lots of "family" photo's


Enjoy the rest of your stay and your family time


love and hugs Bonnie



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Hi Ann, just wonderful that you are able to take a break. It is as important as anything else you might do. You are a very special person and you need to renew your energy. I know for me visiting my family up north does that.


Hope you had lots of fun and came back home refreshed and ready to take on future challenges. (Or maybe like me you find it a little daunting to take on the challenges again?) However you feel on your return it is RIGHT to get away from time to time.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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