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Lisa , what a wonderful blog, sounds like the slower pace of life is suiting you. Ralph has you and you have Ralph and that has to be enough. Acceptance comes and goes as life changes but where there is acceptance there is always peace as well.


I'll imagine you both sitting, sipping a coffee, the sound fo birdsong,the warmth of sun on your skin. Nice!



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Lisa: What a beautiful tribute written from love from your heart. Caregivers are so important to us, the Stroke Survivor. I can relate to Ralph's vision loss as my Brain Stem Stroke took my perf. vision and losing my ability to drive has been so very hard, losing my independence. I know when I was learning to walk again, I kept saying "I walk by Faith not by Site." Saying that over and over kept me going. Thank you for sharing your innermost thoughts with us. Give that special guy of yours a big hug from me, would ya?

I know my life has changed .... but I just had to reinvent the ways I get things done, rearrange it.... Nothing pleases me more than sitting out front on my "Grandpop's Stoop, as I call it.... I love hearing the sound of the Bay, hearing the birds sing their special melodies just for me... :), smell the freshly cut grass, smell the air after a rain, etc. so many gifts from God ..... I have gained a lot.

I keep you both in my prayers. Believe in Miracles and continue to SOAR

Hugs, Jan :friends:

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hi Lisa:


welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. you caregivers are piller of strength for us survivors. without you guys by our side we would never have acheived that new normal & enjoyed our life to fullest. first year is the hardest post stroke journey, rest of the journey will be piece of cake now.




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Welcome to our blog community. Congrats to you and Ralph for reaching the one year mark in stroke recovery. The first year is the toughest and you and Ralph have reached that milestone together. Bless you both and here's to many more years and continued improvements.

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One year is a milestone in my book, Ralph did it with you right by his side caring and providing in all areas of his life. I congratulate you both and you for staying with him in support of his needs.

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Hi Lisa and Ralph!


Congratulations on hitting the one-year mark and special congratulations for all of the improvement which could only come about through your joint dedication and hard work!


Lisa, beautiful entry! I can only apologize to you both for somehow being totally asleep at the switch since you started posting. My father never had a stroke but was totally blind from the time I graduated from the 8th grade (I'm 55 now). I hope and pray with you both that, Ralph, you continue to have improvemrnt with your vision but if worse comes to worse, I want you to know that you will still have a beautiful and productive life with independence.. My dad did (he passed away 3 years ago). His blindness was 100% service connected so he received lots of help and training from the VA, but there are still organizations out there to help you. I've found some of them for you and the links follow, but for whatever reason I'm reminded now of a little "trick" that helped my dad keep track of his own money in his own wallet--I believe he kept his 1's right out straight. His 5's were folded in half widthwise, 10's folded in half lengthwise, I forget how he folded his 20's but you get the idea. :D A cane is invaluable, especially for navigating outside, and there is training (and of course little tricks, too) for that. Ralph, with a little help, I'm sure you'll quickly be able to navigate through your house independently. I know you can! I even found a site that offers free white canes. The Library of Congress is invaluable and manned by great people. They have a Division for the Blind and Physically Handicapped and can provide books to "read" either on cassette or what they call "talking books" (records, I believe). Following are a few links:

Library of Congress:



National Federation for the Blind ***offers free cane***


Association of the Deaf/Blind


Contact Information for Baltimore::

Baltimore Association of the Deaf-Blind

c/o the Rev. Dr. Peggy A. Johnson

302 Fourth Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21227

TTY/Voice: 410-247-5045

Email: RevPink@aol.com

American Council of the Blind:



Those'll get you started :) Please don't hesitate to PM me anytime if you think I might be able to help--I'll always be happy to try!


Again, congratulations to you both, and please know you will have all my prayers and best wishes!




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Thanks for your blog. You capture the ups and downs. What is there and what is not there. That must be amazing when your husband has moments of blurry or clear vision. And those moments of listening to the water and being present. I'll have to try the 10 minutes with my eyes closed and my soul open soon.





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thanks for taking the time to blog. we all enjoy the heartfelt updates.i think it's a great hallmark card. blessings mlp lynnflowers.gif

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