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Spring, oh spring, where art thou?



We are patiently waiting for spring ( and hopefully summer) to arrive someday. We had a snowy, cold winter that just won't leave. In March we had a warm spell, temps in the forties. I started to think we would have an early spring. A friend of mine told me not to be fooled, it was just teasing us. Man was he right! May 31st we had snow flurries! This morning it is a beautiful day, I plan to go fishing, but when I looked in my boat the bit of water in it was now ice.


Anyway, enough about the weather. If we didn't like it we wouldn't live here. I thought about titling this entry "squirrels are smart too". The latest project is putting a roof on and screening in the deck. The project is nearly done now, just a bit of screening to be done. I did need some help with the roof, I am just not as stable as I used to be and didn't feel comfortable trying it alone. Good neighbors took care of the problem. But on to the squirrels. As part of the project I decided to "squirrel proof" a bird feeder we hang from the deck rail. Thus I joined the legion of people that think they are smarter than squirrels. It has been like a chess match. As soon as I put another barrier to the feeder in the way, a few minutes later the little devils come back and find a new way to the feeder. It is now a standoff. I have made it difficult enough for them that they don't come nearly as often, and when they do they are not always successful. It was my pleasure to watch yesterday as they missed two jumps and fell (unharmed) about 12 feet to the ground. They ran up the nearest pine tree and chattered fiercely at me.


The up side of all of this has been a tremendous increase in bird activity. We are seeing types we rarely see around here, and having a lot of fun watching all of this. Hopefully I have it hung high enough to be out of the bears reach. Time will tell.


Anyway, we are now selling bread and assorted goodies at the local farmer's market again. Lesley's name is spreading in the local area, and new opportunities to sell and display her wares come often now. We have tinkered with the bread lineup this year, dropping the slow selling whole wheat and adding a Cinnamon raisin breakfast bread and fresh fruit pies, all fast sellers so far. I have taste tested all of course. Lesley has not had much luck with the garden this year, frost keeps killing her plants. Looks like a slim produce harvest this year.


A note on stroke recovery, I now wear the new ultra lite AFO I got last summer when I carry my canoe, or walk in the woods. It really helps keep the foot from tripping (and me falling).


Lesley's mum is coming from New Zealand in a month or so, her help baking will be appreciated. She is amazing, 87 this year and still going strong. A real blessing to all of us.


Well, my coffee cup is empty, got to go fill it.



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hey George:


you came after long time, I guess like bear you were also hibernating in the winter. your bread line makes me hungry & want to visit you




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Yeah! George, so glad you have finally left your hibernation and are here with us in blogworld again. A BIG hug to Lesley too. She is such a wonderful example of industry. I wish I could drop by and sample that bread, fresh baked. I used to make a lot of jam when we lived in the country and bottled fruit and froze a lot as well so your blog takes me back to those adays.


Today is my birthday, about 60 degrees expected if we are lucky as it is winter here but I was born in England and can well remember that "light flurry of snow" falling one 4th of June as we were preparing to go on a family picnic. The weather is always unpredictable whichever part of the planet you live on.


Hope summer turns up at your house sooner or later. Just hang in there mate and it will come.



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Hi George,


Welcome back ol friend - I do hope spring and summer come to your neck of the woods soon and that you can say farewell to snow and ice for a bit. Squirrels are smart little critters for sure. I love to watch them run around here. When I go cruisin in my power chair down my street they sit and watch me go by. Gonna have to get some nuts to feed them when I'm out and about.


Wish I could cruise on by your place to do some taste testing with you yummmmmmmmmmmm :happydance:


I'm being evaluated for the walkaide - just have to overcome the tone to be totally effective - I am a good candidate from what I was told Wednesday. We'll see.

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