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The End To My Years Of Working!



No, I didn't hit the lottery, I'm just worn out completely and my body won't take another day.


So, to my cyber family of friends and neighbors in Texas and perhaps around the world, I want to tell all that I have decided with confirmation from all my doctors, to give up being gainfully employed. After 50 years working many, many jobs including my own business, 22 years of military service, and 10 years postal service, I am now RETIRED.


It's been an amazing run for me through the 50 years including being near death in Vietnam and again with my stroke just 5 years ago. I'm so glad I got to go that long but the time has arrived that my body says "no more" work. This time I am going to listen to my body and my doctors. No use in working myself to death I need some time to enjoy life now.


You will never make all the money you can spend or feel you and your family need. I am putting my health ahead of work and I thank God I'm able to at this time. Hopefully when my time comes for me to leave this earth I will feel the same way.


No I will not let myself get bored, I have all of you to still converse with and learn from your experiences with life as well. Then I got my grand daughter and her garden to keep me active in life. A new grill on the patio and a wife still working at the bank, man I think I got it made in the shade. At least I will eat healthy foods I grill and fresh garden fruits and veggies. I feel I deserve this retirement at this time.


I may even invest in a gazebo with a hot tub right next to my patio and garden. It is funny how your health can dictate what you need to do in life. This is my story and I'm sticking to it. No traveling yet just rest up. Gas is on the way back up in my area and probably everywhere I would want to visit. My life long trip is back to Australia hoping to meet with many of you. Right now I'm just going to think about how good God has been and still is to me. It's been a long ride but I enjoyed every mile. :scooter:


The city council member of my district, my friend from long ago, wants me to consider being a volunteer for (C.O.P.) citizen on patrol for my neighbor. I already know where that will lead...working again with a schedule. I don't even want to see a Honey Do List on the frig door. I'm going to be retired with ears closed to offers of any kind.


Let me know when any of you are headed to Central Texas, Killeen/Ft Hood, or passing through to other places, maybe I can meet with you if you have time. I won't be busy I can turn my grill off!


I am hoping for reasonable health and no hospital stays, I think I had enough of them to last a life time. Maybe now I can Blog more often and chat again soon.


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hey Fred:


congratulations on your well deserved retirement. we can plan party in our chatroom in honor of your retirement. On and all we are feeling lucky that you will be able to share mre time with us. I also had to retire at age 35 due to stroke but after year or two of struggling with what do I do with my time. I have settled well in my retirement life of stay at home mom role. I am now more happy & content with amount of money we have & hubby brings in.


your gardening sounds like lot of fun BTW now that you have finally retired join us in afternoon chats.




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Guest lwisman




Congrats on your retirement. I know I really like not having to get up early in the morning and go to work!


BTW, we decided against a hot tub partly because most of year it is too cold here and also because it has to be cleaned. I'm not so good at cleaning these days. I ended up buying an air tub. It is a tub with tiny holes about an inch from the bottom of the tub. When you turn it on, air comes through the holes. It is as good as jets and does not have to be cleaned. Ten minutes after it finishes it blows air through the holes to dry them. Easy, peesy.


Take care.



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Congratulations on your retirement dear friend. I'm glad you are listening to your body and the doctors and deciding to hang up the time card. You'll find plenty to do around home; I'm sure your granddaughter will have "Grandpa dos" for you that you won't even hesitate about :D

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Congratulations on your retirement Fred, as we all know "there is a time for everything under heaven" so while you are on earth enjoy what you have, enjoy what you do and be eager to learn more about how to love your neighbour as yourself. Maybe think of neighbourhood patrols etc as fulfilling that commandment. God does not intent you to be idle I suspect.


Enjoy your grand daughter and your garden and all the peace and happiness you can take. It is good to rest from your labors and enjoy a peace of mind that comes from NOT having to punch that time clock.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Congratulations on this next phase of your life. I always appreciate your positive perspective. Now that you will be retired i look forward to the chance to hear more of it here on snet. Maybe even get the chance to run into you in chat. Who knows with the general invite to Texas some of us might even find our way down that way one day. if we ever do though, you don't have to worry about turning your grill OFF, just might have to turn it ON. . .I will bring the steaks, ok.


Just kidding friend. Again, congratulations Fred.



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Congratulations Fred. You have earned retirement. Do this friend one favor before you go get that hot tub. My doctor threw so many restrictions on it. Maybe that was from the kind of stroke I had but so you are aware there can be limitations. Loved the sound of the air bubble one mentioned above. Well just run it past your doctor who knows your situation best .... Hugs and cheers Karen

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A different life is of rest and not answering a time schedule. You more than deserve it after 50 years.


We may be in Houston in late fall visiting some friends. If we do, you can be sure I will let you know in advance as I would love to meet up with you. I'll be with my oldest daughter and her family.


Enjoy sleeping late some days; staying up late at night; eating ice cream whenever you want; and just enjoying life.



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Guest Hostjoy


Dear Fred, I am si glad you have decided to do this for yourself and your family! You certainly deserve it and I hope retirement will be wonderful foy you!! Love............Joy

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Fred: I am so happy to hear you have decided to retire. All the best in your next phase of your journey. I wanted to share with you that my Dr's all of em, said NO to the hot tub idea I had.... So, please check with them before you invest in one. ok?

Spending time with family and friends is going to be so awesome for you. You can rest and enjoy your life now. I bet your health will even improve. No stress ...... I bet those Walmart customers are truly going to miss you. Maybe you can get more active with your Church. Heck, maybe you could have a lemonaide stand with your Granddaughter and you could have your grill beside it and sell Hot Dogs and Hamburgers. Never know. You could have a story time for the neighborhood kids and teens, they could learn so much from you with the life you have lived. Visit your library. There is so much you are going to look into I bet. Having time with your wife, you truly deserve this Fred. it is time, isn't it?

God Bless and I will keep you in my prayers. Hope you blog soon about how it is all going.

Keep your Positive Attitude my friend.



Believe In Miracles And SOAR

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Congratulations on your well deserved retirement! I also live in Central Texas; I'm about an hour away from you. Perhaps one day Tootie and I can get together with you and your granddaughter :)


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Thanks all I value your comments as always. I will check more into the hot tub idea. At this point it sounded good but I'm a cheap person so I may down grade that to a foot bath. After all I'm retired now...You know fixed incomes?!


Sressie, let me know I can meet you all in Houston (my hometown) if that works better for your travel plans. Send me an email I'll give you my cell phone number. I plan on relaxation from every point of life.


Jan, yea the customers call me daily to see if it's true I won't be back. I bet I got breakfast promises from them for a month or two at McDonald's inside the store. I get to go to Bible study now on Wednesday nights and some week end stuff with the church.


Funny you would mention a Lemonade stand, We talked about putting her little Dora table and umbrella up to sell our veggies and fruits from her garden. She's looking for that day. So far so good! She will be wanting to flip hamburgers too on the grill.


She has a library in her room each night brings out 6 books for me or grandma to read. Now we told her we read half she read half, lately she only brings in 2 books. She is gone to visit in Georgia now, she flew back with her cousin that came here for her graduation last month. Her mom and me will probably drive down to bring her back when she's ready. That could be any time now. She calls us daily. I miss the little devil already in helping me water the garden.


Again thanks to everybody, I do plan on enjoying the retirement this time...They say the third time is a charm. I'll see, for sure I will not get bored not working.



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