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Summer is hear inside we go/SURPRISES ARE IN STORE



Well it has been great day to be outside. Days have breezes, open windows, and enjoying my garden grow. But like a good things must come to and end. Since the month of June the weather has changed to Hot, Humid, windows have to be close and turn on the A/C.


I have started back to my inside hobbies, crocheting, cleaning and rearranging my rooms. After receiving my last installment from Social Security I always wanted a laptop. I got my laptop and I purchased a router. I want or need Carl to be out of the house so I am able to constraint. Carl decided to go to the gym and I got to be home alone to install my router. If I screw this up and Carl comes home and can not get on the computer, he will be upset. I read all the directions and see the maker of the router has a 1-800# for techie support. I decided if the number is their why not use it. And I did, the tech walked me through step by step. By the time Carl returned from the gym I was on a network, and I can go any where in the house and use my laptop. I know that my Holy Spirit was right by my side the whole way.


I feel pretty proud of myself that with the help I installed my router. Now, Carl's office is more like a storage room so lets see I can take the old computer printer and the old TV set and recycle it at Best Buys. Throw out all the garbage (papers, coffee cups, coke& water bottles)out. I found his new set of chisels, just what I need to fix my broken cane. Now it starting to look more like a office you can step into. The shelves on the wall have two stuffed bass fish. I'll clean them with some white bread and hang them on the wall. (after all they have been their since I moved into this house) WOW! Now I can gather all his gardening, ACIM, other assorted books and put them on the shelves. Carl fixed his comfort, he put a piece of board down so the springs stay down and I think a new piece of foam for his cushion should make his chair bran new. Oh ya I found a rocking chair hidden in the corner that I forgot we owned. All Carl has to contribute is take the shelves that have been stored in the room (and put them up to make my pantry. Once that is done I will wash the floor, give it a wax and Carl will have his office back in use, to do his reading and meditating in. Blogging this way has helped me get something accomplished like cleaning which I get very distracted at.


I think that's enough cleaning for today. I ponder about the kitchen which at the moment I can walk into, open the fridge, sit at one chair to do my preparation at and across is the stove and to the right of that on and L shape counter is my sink. Once my pantry is up then I can start moving things off the table (which I have not seen the top of since?). I just need some advice about setting up a pantry. I am going to have 5 shelves, they are 7 inches wide, 45 inches long and they will be 11 inches between them. Now will come the hard part is organizing the can goods.


If my mother was still alive she would hit the ceiling at my kitchen as it stands now, yet alone any other part of the house. My mother had her saying "everything has a place and their is a place for everything." It's in me to clean, my mother made sure when I was young how to polish furniture, wash the glass tops to the living room tables. I have not forgotten any of that stuff. Being stroked has effected my brain and memory but like kudzu it never goes away. :roflmao:



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Jeannie, you are an inspiration to me! I read your blog and wondered if it is possible to fit in more cleaning etc. Looking around my computer room it could certainly use some of your organizing skills. Good for you!


Your mother and mine both had that maxim: "A place for everything and everything in it's place" so I know she would want me to clean up too.



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I'm tired after reading your entry gal LOL - just kidding. You Go. It's such a sense of accomplishment to get things done. And you've done it yourself!!!


My Mom was just like yours - perhaps they were related somehow ya think? Mine I always considered "anal retentive" when it came to the house. While I was raised that way, I'm not nearly as bad as she was. Yes, at times I could name my dust bunnies (hey, they don't sass back or require attention :silly: ) but I'm not a candidate for the board of health either.

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