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Words to my song (as requested)"They tell me"



It happened some time ago

Faster than your eyes can blink

Something hit me so hard

It put me to the brink


My life was put on hold

And no longer was it mine

Floating in a sea of confusion

Looking for those eyes that shine


I had a stroke they tell me

It's gonna be a real hard road

but we'll get through this together, she said

And soon I'll take you home


You'll have to work harder, than you've ever done before

You'll have to dig deep, to even up the score


My wife she was an angel

She was always by my side

Holding my hand and assuring me

Everything would be alright


So I worked hard every day

To get back what was stole

And I prayed to God every day

Please take care of my soul


I had a stroke they tell me

It's gonna be a real hard road

But we'll get through this together

And soon I'll go home


I'll have to work harder, than I've ever done before

I'll have to dig deep, to even up the score


Now I take each day

As though it were my last

I must live for today

And leave the past in the past


Embrace the ones that love you

And smile at some one new

And embrace each day from now on

You've been given a whole new you


I had astroke they tell me

And it's a real hard road

But we'll get trough this together

In our happy home


You have to work harder, than you'veever done before

You have to dig deep, to even up the score


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Wow specs, that is a wonderful song. I am a caregiver so just an observer in a way. I work very hard to keep Ray goiung but it is not my body it happened to if you know what I mean. I do respect the work the survivor puts in against many obstacles to get back to a life that is healthy and liveabale.


I think poetry often expresses those thoughts that can't be expressed any other way - add music and you have a really special song of your own.



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That was so beautifully written and definitely from your heart. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I hope you will share more of your writing with us. You truly have been blessed with a very special talent. God Bless, Hugs, Jan

Believe In Miracles and SOAR

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Wow specs, that is a wonderful song. I am a caregiver so just an observer in a way. I work very hard to keep Ray goiung but it is not my body it happened to if you know what I mean. I do respect the work the survivor puts in against many obstacles to get back to a life that is healthy and liveabale.


I think poetry often expresses those thoughts that can't be expressed any other way - add music and you have a really special song of your own.




Hi Sue,


Thank you for the nice words, without people like you as caregivers people like me would have a very hard time making it. Oh and by the way I did put those words to music, "They tell me", you can hear it at



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