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Home Alone = total independence :)



Hi gang,


Since yesterday (Tuesday 6-16) and until the evening of Tuesday (6-23) I will be home alone - well with the exception of Crystal and Lili as Kristi flew to AZ yesterday for a week to reunite with old friends.


Quite honestly I was glad for her to go as the atmosphere here has not been a pleasant one of late. School for her has finished for the year - unofficially, until grades come in, she's now a high school senior. Now my dear child "thinks" she should be able to come and go as she pleases - NOT!!!! The stress level here for me has been through the roof.


It's amazing how much more I'm relaxed just in the short time she's been gone. I sincerely pray that her return home brings a rejuvenation of my "nice" and loving daughter.


Since my last blog entry, a month ago today :Doh: , I have been cruisin around in my power chair. I went to the school orchestra and band concert on June 2nd and have cruised to the grocery store, and even went to my brother's house to cool down during one frustrating evening.


I was gone for 2 hours so I did calm down - only draw back was that I was cruisin after dark and my chair does not have headlights. Maybe I need to buy a miner's hat with light on it LOL. Then I'd be stylin huh LOL


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Donna: I am singing On the road again and with a twinge of I'm a Coal Miner's Daughter with your hat on. hehehe

I am so happy you are able to destress. It is good to have some time to yourself. You have been going through some teenage crisis lately and the time apart will give her a different perspective, like I miss my Mom. Hopefully, her "make over" will reveal Kristi as the loving, caring daughter she has been. I think her being with her close friends will be a big bonus for her.

Love n Hugs, :)


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I hope you don't get too bored being home alone. At least you know she will return soon!


I know you will find things around the house needing your attention and keep you busy and your mind occupied while she is gone away.

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As the door flew open yesterday on the last day of school I heard, "I'M A SENIOR YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?" implying he gets to do what he wants. My response was..yeah, this was the last year you got to get off easy in life by just doing homework and worrying about grades. By next year at exactly this time you'd better have a course in life plotted out because you're starting on it and things get real serious and intense for about the next 40. Put a little damper on your day? I thought somebody needed to kick him off his high horse and cut him down to size. 17 is ugly and underneath I'm sure the sweet children we bore are still in there. Hopefully we'll still be around to see them wrestle this with their own one day to which warning I'm sure you've heard Not me I'll be a cool mom...as you smile to yourself and think suuure just wait.

Enjoy your cruising time and some peace while it lasts. I like the miner's hat idea, maybe you could even go seasonal ~ a Steeler's helmet for football season would be up your alley. It's great you're out and on the road again. Sure do sound like one hot stllyn hot chic too.

Maria :mwah:

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Hi, Donna

I like your new profile photo!


Enjoy your week! I recall when our youngest graduated from high school and the summer that followed. Ouch! She thought there were no longer rules as she was out of school. We put a damper on that by the second week. The good news today is that our 26 year old is a loving, attentive daughter. So, there's hope!


Take some to savor your independence and get out as much as you are able. You have so much to offer.


Funny, we were with some friends on Memorial Day weekend at a camp site. They were camping and we went up for cookout and to enjoy the camp fire. One of the older guys had had a heart attack about six months earlier and was concerned about falling on his way back to his camper (or should I say RV). He wore one of those hats with a light...it really did seem to help.


I'm off now to watch the little grandson. Have a great week, Donna.





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independence sounds like another word for peace and quiet! enjoy yours. ... you deserve a break. you are a good and strong parent....too many parents want to be friends with their children these days.....kids need boundries not chums. i do hope kristi'sthe senior year will be less of a trauma....maria is right....it is the last year before real life takes the helm!

i think lights and such are a good idea for your road trips...it must feel great to be out and about. by the way, i love your new picture....your new, shorter and darker hair is very attractive. :friends: kathy

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hey Donna:


Enjoy your quiet week without teenage melodrama. I am sure Kristi will be back to her normal sweet self after her own break too. I am so happy that you are cruising everywhere in your power chair you better get lights which people put on their cycle. you look very pretty in your new hairstyle




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Enjoy the peace, and I too hope your sweet child comes home. I know she is in there.. those teen years are kind of like peeling an onion.


For Christmas one year John got an LED light that is on a stretchy/adjustable head band... so when you are working on a car or something.. or we could wrap the chair in battery powered Christmas lights..


Just be carefful of Bumps along your route..



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Donna, Ditto for me with all the girls comments for you. It's great you get a break and regroup also, hopefully your daughter will gain the understand of responsibility when mom is not around to lean on.

Donna this is a chance for you before she gets back to change your mind and only think positive thought of your daughter and you will see the loving daughter you have raised.

remembertolaugh, jeanniebean :BashHead:

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Hi Donna: I think you are still alone. I had my first time alone earlier this year - yep, a testiment of total independence - and I surv ived as I am sure you will. You are an inspiration to me. Hope you had some fun while your daughter is away. Leah

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In less than 24 hours, my alone time will come to an end. The time has been relaxing. I've had a few things happen that shook me up but overall all is well. I managed to care for myself and the furbabies with no problems.


Today I received a text message from Kristi in which she said she missed me as much as a fat kid misses chocolate cake :rolleyes:

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I can totally relate to your situation as Deb has been out of town for a week. Happily, she will be home in 3 hours. I have been at home this past week with Pete (the dog) and my 17 year old daughter, Sabrina. However, I must say that although I have truely missed Deb; Sabrina has really stepped up and has been wonderful to be around...quite a change from the normal teen aged behavior. So, the is still that wonderful child inside, it just needs the incentive to emerge.


Lots of luck to you,


Wesley H.

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