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end of one stage, beginning of another



Sad day today in many ways as Trev and I cleaned out Room 11 at the Dementia Lodge, Mum's home for the past eight years. The night nurses had packed it up for us in six rubbish bags! There it all was, just so big a pile of old clothes, photos and sun hats. Just the sight of it all made me teary.


I could not have done it alone but with Trev's help we moved the dressing table and chair back here and sent some of the clothes over to the Nursing Home and tonight I have sorted the rest. It is still uncertain whether she will walk or not but she will still need warm clothes as they sit out in chairs and in the loungerooms every day. She will be assessed on Friday for a suitable chair and I will buy whatever is recommended for her. It will be her birthday present as she turned 91 today.


I was so glad of Trev's help and I think he got his reward. When we went over to see Mum he bent down to give her a kiss and she put her hand up and stroked his hair, just as she used to when he was young, it was a real tender moment. He had to turn aside to hide his tears.


This afternoon I went to the care providers focus group. This is a project called: "Providing Value in Care" and five of us were asked some questions about what we value in our care packages. I can say not all my comments were positive and somehow when you are honest others follow your example so I think they were a little surprised by our answers.


Once again I was thankful that I have the strength to handle what I have as a couple of the women were still providing care for children who are now in their thirties. They were cheerful but you could also the tremendous strain they must be under. They had been faithful caregivers for a lot longer than I have been looking after Ray. I can't tell you their names but please pray for all those who's caring roles last practically until they take their last breath.


All of this takes an enormous emotional toll. A few of you have put parents into a care facility and know what I am saying. I feel sad, guilty, concerned for the future both for Mum and for Ray and I. I know that with his conditions one day I will be making the decision on his behalf, or maybe someone else will be making it for me...lol. Caregivers get sick as well as tired, we so often neglect our own care while concentrating on the one we care for.


Tomorrow I will put on a brave face and go and look at the small space, one quarter of a large room, that Mum can now call her own. This then, is what life comes down to - a bed and a chair. But maybe at the end of a rich life, this, and a kindly staff to look after us, is all we need.


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Guest lwisman




I am sorry to hear about your Mom. Alzheimer's is devastating. Glad Trev was able to help. You need support also. The story of her stroking his hair is a sweet one. Life is amazing.


Take care of yourself.



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I will be praying for you, your mum & all other caregivers who are caring for their loved ones & have to make hard decisions day in & day out. but I think every decision you make with conscious mind is the right one & God will give us strength to get through consequences of those decisions. I am so happy that even her frail conditions you & ZTrev are able to make sweet memories of mum & frandma. All our life we run after acquiring material things but when we leave we just need a place to buried. so Stuff does not define us or make us. It's good deeds we do in our lifetime will be remembered. I am becoming philosophcal here. so I will stop. you all are in my thoughts & prayers.




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Sue, you got a plate full but I'm hoping the place your mum is going to will cooperate with you in her health and personal care and needs like a bed with the right softness or a firm one. Then the chair and cushions are a must I feel. Also a massager in the chair to help blood circulation in hips and legs which you may have to furnish.


When she is ready to try walking a little that they insure she does it. You trying to find time to be with her daily maybe very hard while Ray needs your care and attention at home too. With that said take care my friend.


Should you be in need of an item not available there, let me know, Walmart may have it here.

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Dearest Sue, You definately have more than your share to cope with. I'm sorry you had to pick up your mom's things in that fashion. I am glad Trev was there to help you.


The picture in your mind of mum stroking Trev's hair will be a beautiful moment for you both. As Asha says .. in the end...being comfortable in the end. doesn't depend on how much material things you have. Your memories of happy times will be the moments of smiles and giggles and soft moments.


I will definately send prayers for your friends in you care group.. and you and your family are certainly in my thoughts and prayers daily.


love and hugs, Bonnie

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Thoughts and prayers coming from my way. My mother-in-law who is 87 and recuperating from a broken hip five weeks ago still will not/cannot walk. She is fiesty and I feel she may just be giving up. It is always sad as you indicate. I know you hear this alot...but please try to take care of yourself, too. You have way too much on your plate at this time.

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Thoughts and prayers coming from my way. My mother-in-law who is 87 and recuperating from a broken hip five weeks ago still will not/cannot walk. She is fiesty and I feel she may just be giving up. It is always sad as you indicate. I know you hear this alot...but please try to take care of yourself, too. You have way too much on your plate at this time.

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Loving thoughts and prayers to you and to your Mum. Your Mum's tender and loving gesture with Trevor touched my heart. I pray your Mum gets loving care there and is well cared for and treated with dignity.

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Let me add my prayers and good thoughts here for you and yours. As a former caregiver for both my wife and dad I can relate to some of what you are going through. May the good lord give you blessings and strength.






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