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I was Bedside as my good friend died



Last night was very hard for me! I was at his bedside when he took his last breath and went home to be with the Lord. His Soul entered into eternal life at 11:10 pm. It was hard for me cause so many deaths already in the news then he died from prostate cancer suddenly.


I did visit him at his home on Wednesday while his daughter was here. He looked at me raised his arm, very weak, but could not speak. Instantly he was back to sleep eyes closed. I stayed for an hour or so talking with his daughter about final rights.


The very next day she had him admitted to a nursing home cause she had to return to Virginia. I took her to the airport for her flight back while she told me the plan after his death which she had prepared for when God was ready for him.

About 6pm she called me and said the nursing home said he had turned for the worse and may not make it to morning and asked me if I would go and sit with him, I did because he was my friend.


I took pictures of him struggling to breathe with oxygen attached breathing very loudly like snoring. I let my wife whom were at home hear his breathing I recorded on my phone. That was my first time being bedside as a person dies. It's quite an experience to sit bedside and pray, pray, pray but we all know God has the last say so in our lives when he's ready for us.


In the end of life as we know it peace comes, no more suffering, pains or worries! May God comfort his soul in his life after death. I will attend his memorial services, he will be cremated, after his son arrives here to over see and take care of his final rights including his ashes taken to the national cemetery for veterans.


He retired in 1981 as a SGM E9, THE HIGHEST ENLISTED RANK. We worked at the post office together for years. I was a clerk while he was a letter carrier. He retired from there after I did. We knew each other since 1986, played poker every weekend for years.


We both saw each other with two different wives, both of them died and we married again. He had a girl and boy just like me. I suppose I'm venting, the pressure is so great at the moment, I have to tell somebody and you guys are my extended family members. I talk to you all when I can't talk to my wife. Isn't that something, I think at times we have to get it off our chest.


So, thank for reading and I promise to blog again about happier times and more pleasant things! My final thought is, we have had a stroke but let's live our lives as best we can with what we got left and be happy we are still here.




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I am so sorry for the loss of your good friend, but happy that you were able to be with him as he took his last breath. I know how very difficult it is for us to let someone so special go, but we also find peace in knowing that there is no more suffering for them. I hope that you and his family can find comfort in knowing that he is at peace!





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please accept my condolences on passing of your friend. be sure he is at peace & at much better place. I feel most of the times I better make best use of this second chance at life.


I will look forward to your happier, blog.




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Dear Fred: What a special gift God gave you.... a special friend, but, even more special is that you were entrusted to be there with him when he took his final breath. I experienced this with my dear friend, Tom. he was in so much pain from his cancer, that I massaged his feet and he loved when I did that and he just closed his eyes and went home to be with the Lord. I feel that was such a special gift to me from him and God. Important thing is the Peace I felt and I knew he felt, he didn't fight it, he just went.

Fred, we are here for you anytime. Please know you can share anything with us. Like you said, we are extended family.

Love n Hugs, Jan :)

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Please accept my condolences on the loss of your friend. I'm so glad that you were able to be with him in his final moments. Fred, you do not blog often but when you do, your entries are quite profound. I'm sure your friend is smiling down on you.



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Dearest Fred, I am sorry for the loss of your good friend. It is often hard watching the end of life .. and feeing helpless. I know his family is greatly appreciative someone who cared for him and loved him was with him.


I lost my best friend 5 years ago.. it actually took me 2 years to take her phone number out of my cell phone. Her son sent me some memento's of hers.. She was diagnosed with cancer. and went quickly .. in a month afer diagnosis.


I will send prayers for your friends family.. and for you. Take time to mourn your loss.. and then remember your happy memories together.. he will live on in the hearts of those who hold him close.


Hugs to you my friend, Bonnie


the last breathing.. is usually not felt by the person, it is more reflexive, and the body shutting down.

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Fred, it has been my privilege to be at the bedside of a few people's passing but no-one really close to me. It is a time of deep emotion even sitting beside a stranger. I feel we are like angels there with them when they are opening Heaven's Gate. Sure hope it was that way for you and your good mate.


Reflect for a while dear friend on all that you have been to each other. Hug your wife and your children and grandchildren often for we never know when we might part company.


I took Tori in to see my mum today as she said she wanted to go. The lady in the bed opposite was breathing with rasping breaths and I told Tori not to be scared. The lady's daughter shared an incident when she had sat with an old friend who had died and I called her an Angel and she was surprised by that. The lady's four daughters take turns and someone comes in to see her every day. What a testimony to the way they were raised.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Thanks to all of you and I'm glad to have been there for that moment. My sister was with our mom when the gates were open to receive her.


I hold you all close to my heart as we all go through this care giving and recovery process as so many before us have done. Please know I'm here for your support no matter the reasons. We just don't know when our time will come.

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my prayers go out to the family of your great friend. my prayers also go out to you. i am sure your friend knows how much you cared about him and honored him in the greatest way possible as you shared his last moments in this life with him. i am sorry for your loss, but i also know your faith is strong and steady, and i believe your friend is smiling down at you, his great friend, with thankfulness.


as a fellow survivor, Fred, i feel honored you shared this experience with the rest of us. Thank you.


In Friendship,


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Dear Fred,


I am very sorry to hear of your friend's passing. You are right about your friend not being in pain any longer and that should give you some comfort. But it doesn't make the pain of losing someone any easier. May God Bless you in your sorrow.



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Fred that is such a wonderful thing you did in sharing your friends last moments here on earth. You are a true friend. It was through my own parents passing I came to volunteer at Hospice I helped many loved ones be able to share those precious moments. If they could not I was there Hugs Karen

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Thanks again you all, it was a blessing I could be by his bedside as his friend. His daughter had to go back home and his son could then come for everything else that needed family attention. The nurse told me Hospice meant they would not be given solid foods, just juices and water. So I guess that is a terminal term the insurance uses when a person is expected to pass. Quite an experience for me.


I can just imagine how hard it would have been for his daughter or son, his only two children and being so far away from him here in Texas. Probably even harder on parents who face this with a child who goes before them.

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