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"Use it or Lose it"



This is a true story told with the intent of helping others from my experiences of being a stroke survivor of a brain bleed on right side.

When you hear people say


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Fred, your blog is from the heart. I read and carefully listened. I am two years post-stroke and still exercise. Your blog insures that I willl not let up the hammer.


You sound somewhat depressed. Are you taking anything for this? We love you, too, and I'm just worried. I plan on seeing you the next time we are in Houston to visit our friends, and just want to make sure you are around.

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Fred, Thanks for the truth. I need to work with William and not let him slip/. We have made some progress but not as much as you. Keep working...

We live in Houston, Near 1960 Champions area.

We need to get together for lunch.

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WOW! You are an impressive group of people, that's FOR SURE !! It seems as though everyone is FAIRLY recent post-stroke.....I'm not. September 25th will be 14 years since brainstem stroke. I don't agree that it's "lost" (MY left side too ) just means it's time to release your inner pit-bull & PERSIST !! There's a guy in CA who works with stroke survivors, achieves AMAZING results. His philosophy is -"get the LITTLE muscles to work, THE BIG ONES WILL FOLLOW." I like that --- he doesn't put a 'time limit' on when you can achieve results (otherwise, I'd feel hopeless -- am LOOOONG PAST THE 'TIME' !!) Like they say, 'the fat lady didn't sing yet' !

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you will be in my thoughts and prayers for botox & recovery. your blog drove point home that I should never give up on my exercises. it's not an option for us survivors. it should be integrated in our lifestyle.


Thanks for that reminder.




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I agree with you Fred. My husband thought I was just laying in bed watching TV but I was exercising all the time. You have to treat it like a job, dedicated

time everyday. He ended up being stroked and now believes I was working everyday. If your depress tell your neurologist, pills aren't so bad you need to say

in a good mood. :yikes:

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Fred: I appreciate your honesty and glad you posted such a critical issue for all of us to remember. I'm 3 years post stroke and don't exercise as much as I used to/ I do so much more around the house and walk (with walker) but I do practice my gait (heal -toe bit) so hopefully my left leg will one day respond. I think I exercise when I do because I'm afraid not to. I've read articles that have stated stroke survivor recovery can go downhill after a few years and I don't want to be a statistic. It isn't easy - but that is why they call us survivors. I was able to get Medicare approve my botox injections last month. It has helped my shoulder and I'm beginning to feel it may be helping my leg also. Don't give up. Remember, God is with you and a positive attitude will help heal. My thoughts have been with you. Leah

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